Querying for contingencies

Querying for contingencies

Use the following endpoints to retrieve information about existing contingencies.

Endpoint Description
GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies Retrieve all contingencies for the given job
GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId} Retrieve the given job contingency
GET /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies Retrieve all contingencies for the given policy
GET /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId} Retrieve the given policy contingency

There is a single schema for contingencies. It is used by both contingencies associated with jobs and contingencies associated with policies.

For example, the following is the attributes portion of the payload for contingency pc:70 associated with policy pc:62:

GET /policy/v1/policies/pc:62/contingencies/pc:70

        "attributes": {
            "action": {
                "code": "ChangeRetroactively",
                "name": "Change policy retroactively"
            "actionStartDate": "2021-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
            "actionStarted": false,
            "createDate": "2021-11-04T23:26:33.069Z",
            "createUser": {
                "displayName": "Alice Applegate",
                "id": "pc:S8PjyiRN14A1u20zgJ76k",
                "type": "User",
                "uri": "/admin/v1/users/pc:S8PjyiRN14A1u20zgJ76k"
            "description": "Driving record required for 
                            good driver discount",
            "dueDate": "2021-11-11T00:00:00.000Z",
            "id": "pc:111",
            "status": {
                "code": "Pending",
                "name": "Pending"
            "title": "Driving record required"

Querying for related information

Use the following endpoints to retrieve information about activities, documents, and notes related to existing contingencies.

Contingencies associated with jobs

Endpoint Description
GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/activities Retrieve the given activity associated with the given contingency on the given job
GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/documents Retrieve the given document associated with the given contingency on the given job
GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/notes Retrieve the given note associated with the given contingency on the given job

Contingencies associated with policies

Endpoint Description
GET /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/activities Retrieve the given activity associated with the given contingency on the given policy
GET /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/documents Retrieve the given document associated with the given contingency on the given policy
GET /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/notes Retrieve the given note associated with the given contingency on the given policy

For more information on working with activities, documents, or notes, see the following: