
In PolicyCenter, a document is an electronic file (such as a PDF, Word document, or digital photograph) which contains information relevant to an account, job, or policy. Examples of documents could include photographs of covered jewelry, assessments from property inspectors, or correspondences with the insured. (Note that documents do not contain contractual parts of the policy. The policy contract is specified in PolicyCenter forms, not PolicyCenter documents.)

For a complete description of the functionality of documents in PolicyCenter, see the Application Guide.

Note: Documents exist in all core InsuranceSuite applications. To ensure that documents behave in a common way across all applications, some document endpoints, such as the endpoints for querying for document metadata or contents, are declared in the Common API. Documents can also belong to accounts, jobs, and policies. These objects do not exist in all InsuranceSuite applications. This means that other document endpoints, such as the endpoint for creating a document for a job, are declared in the Account API, Job API, or Policy API. This topic always identifies the API in which each endpoint is declared.
Note: ContactManager provides the ability to attach documents to contacts. However, the contact must have the "vendor" tag. Documents cannot be attached to non-vendor contacts.