Policy locations

In addition to the primary location, a policy may have any number of additional locations.

Querying for the primary location

You can determine a policy's primary location by inspecting the policy itself. The primaryLocation property identifies the primary location.

For example, the following is a portion of the response when doing a GET for policy pc:3894:

GET /policy/v1/policies/pc:3894

    "primaryLocation": {
      "displayName": "1: 1253 Paloma Ave, Arcadia, CA",
      "id": "1",
      "type": "PolicyLocation",
      "uri": "/policy/v1/policies/pc:SNZEJIOVY-iX-69VD3056/locations/1"

Querying for policy locations

Use the following endpoints to retrieve information about all locations for a specific policy:

  • GET /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/locations
  • GET /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/locations/{locationId}

Creating and modifying policy locations

Policy locations can be created or modified only from within the context of a policy transaction, such as a submission, policy change, or renewal. Locations on the job are converted into policy locations when the job is bound.

To add or modify a location on an existing policy, you must execute a policy change and execute the work from there. For more information, see Policy changes.