Policy producers

In PolicyCenter, the producer is stored as an instance of the Organization data model entity. A producer is associated with a policy through a specific producer code.

The producer data model

Producer of record and producer of service

Most policies have only one producer associated with them, and that producer remains with the policy for the entire term. However, there are times when the producer on a policy will change mid-term. For example, the insured may be dissatisfied with the service provider by producer A and may request to have the policy serviced by producer B.

When a policy's producer changes, the two producers may agree that the original producer will retain commission for the current policy term, even though the new producer will be providing service for the policy. When this occurs:

  • The original producer is referred to as the producer of record.
  • The new producer is referred to as the producer of service.

For more information on the business functionality of producers of record and producers of service, see the Application Guide.

Producers in Cloud API resources

In Cloud API, both the Job and Policy resources have four fields that track information about the policy's producer.

  • organization - The organization representing the producer of record
  • organizationOfService - The organization representing the producer of service
  • producerCode - The producer code that associates the policy with the producer of record
  • producerCodeOfService - The producer code that associates the policy with the producer of service

The organization and producerCode fields reflect data as if they had been named organizationOfRecord and producerCodeOfRecord.

When a policy's producer has not been changed mid-term:

  • Both organization and organizationOfService reference the same organization (the producer).
  • Both producerCode and producerCodeOfService reference the same producer code.

For example, the following is a snippet of the response to a GET of policy pc:115. For this policy, there has been no mid-term change of producer.

GET /policies/v1/policies/pc:115

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "organization": {
                "displayName": "Armstrong and Company",
                "id": "pc:1"
            "organizationOfService": {
                "displayName": "Armstrong and Company",
                "id": "pc:1"
            "producerCode": {
                "displayName": "100-002541",
                "id": "pc:6"
            "producerCodeOfService": {
                "displayName": "100-002541",
                "id": "pc:6"

When a policy's producer has been changed mid-term:

  • organization and organizationOfService reference different organizations.
    • organization references the original producer (the producer of record).
    • organizationOfService references the current producer (the producer of service).
  • Both producerCode and producerCodeOfService reference different producer codes.
    • producerCode references the original producer code (the producer code of record).
    • producerCodeOfService references the current producer code (the producer code of service).

For example, the following is a snippet of the response to a GET of policy pc:227. For this policy, there has been a mid-term change of producer.

GET /policies/v1/policies/pc:227

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "organization": {
                "displayName": "Armstrong and Company",
                "id": "pc:1"
            "organizationOfService": {
                "displayName": "ACV Property Insurance",
                "id": "pc:4"
            "producerCode": {
                "displayName": "100-002541",
                "id": "pc:6"
            "producerCodeOfService": {
                "displayName": "301-008578",
                "id": "pc:16"

Producer information and the GET /policies endpoint

For the GET /policy/v1/policies endpoint, only two of the four producer fields are included in the summary view, which defines the fields returned by default. If you need all four fields, use the fields query parameters. All four fields are part of the detail view. Thus, the following query gets all policies and with all four producer fields in the response:

GET /policy/v1/policies?fields=*detail

Changing a policy's producer

There are two ways you can change a policy's producer.

Changing both the producer of record and producer of service

In submissions, issuances, renewals, rewrites, and rewrite accounts, you can PATCH a policy's producer. In these situations, the change results in only one producer associated with the policy. This producer is the producer of record and the producer of service.

In the PATCH, specify the producerCodeOfService only. The producerCode is automatically updated to the same value, and both the organizationOfService and organization fields are automatically updated to the organization that owns the give producer code.

For example, the following request changes the producer (of record and of service) for submission job pc:123.

PATCH job/v1/jobs/pc:123

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "producerCodeOfService": {
            "id": "pc:16"

Changing the producer of service only

In policy change jobs, you can PATCH a policy's producer. In these situations, there will be two producers. The original producer (prior to the PATCH) becomes the producer of record. The new producer (who is specified in the PATCH) becomes the producer of service.

In the PATCH, specify the producerCodeOfService only. The organizationOfService is automatically updated to the organization that owns the give producer code. The producerCode and organization fields are not modified. These continue to reference the previous producer, who is now only the producer of record.

For example, the following request changes the producer of service for policy change job pc:789.

PATCH job/v1/jobs/pc:789

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "producerCodeOfService": {
            "id": "pc:16"