
The cancellation policy transaction can be applied to a bound policy that is in force. A cancellation request must include the requesting source (insurer or insured), a reason for the cancellation, and an effective date. The effective date of the cancellation will depend on several factors, related to the requesting source and product configuration.

For details on cancellations and other policy transactions in PolicyCenter, see the Application Guide.

Cancel the policy

  1. Initiate the cancellation policy transaction.

    Submit a business action POST to the /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/cancel endpoint.

    The request payload must contain at minimum the following fields and value types:

    • cancellationReasonCode.code: A typecode from the ReasonCode typelist
    • cancellationSource.code: A typecode from the CancellationSource typelist
    • jobEffectiveDate: A date string
        "data": {
            "attributes": {
                "cancellationReasonCode": {
                    "code": "cancel"
                "cancellationSource": {
                    "code": "carrier"
                "jobEffectiveDate": "2020-08-15"

    The response payload contains the associated job, which is in Quoted state. Use the job ID in the subsequent call.

  2. Complete the cancellation.

    The following table illustrates the various ways that a quoted cancellation job can be completed:

    Transaction outcome Action Endpoint
    Accepted Cancel the policy immediately /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/bind-and-issue
    Pending Schedule a cancellation for a future date /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/pending-cancel
    Rescheduled Change the process date for the scheduled cancellation /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/reschedule
    Rescinded Rescind the scheduled cancellation /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/rescind
    Withdrawn Withdraw the cancellation job /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/withdrawn

    Submit a business action POST to the relevant endpoint.