Account contacts

In addition to the account holder, an account may have any number of additional contacts.

Querying for account contacts

Use the following endpoints to retrieve information about contacts for a specific account:

  • GET /accounts/{accountId}/contacts
  • GET /accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId}

Masking the taxID field

The AccountContact resource has a taxID field which stores the tax ID of the contact. In the Cloud API base configuration, this field is masked in responses so that only the last four digits appear. For example, the following is the response for a GET that retrieves a contact.

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "displayName": "Ray Newton",
            "taxId": "***-**-6789"

For some callers, such as internal or external users, the masking of tax ID may be appropriate as it protects personally identifiable information. For other callers, such as services, this masking may cause a problem as the callers may reference contacts internally using the tax ID.

There are two ways that the taxId field can be unmasked:

  • You can configure the field so that it is always unmasked. For information on how to configure this, see the Cloud API Developer Guide.
  • You can grant the caller the restunmasktaxid system permission. Any caller who has a role with this permission will get responses with unmasked tax IDs. For information on how to configure this, see the section on API role special permissions in the Cloud API Developer Guide.

Creating account contacts

Use the following endpoint to create an AccountContact for a given account:

  • POST /accounts/{accountId}/contacts

Minimum creation criteria

You must specify the following information:

  • contactSubtype (typically set to either Person or Company)
  • firstName and lastName (for Person contacts)
  • companyName (for Company contacts)
  • primaryAddress, with at least:
    • addressLine1
    • city
    • state
    • postalCode

For example, the following request creates a new contact for account pc:202.

POST /account/v1/accounts/pc:202/contacts

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "contactSubtype": "Person",
        "firstName": "Samantha",
        "lastName": "Stewart",
        "primaryAddress": {
          "addressLine1": "2850 S. Delaware St.",
          "city": "San Mateo",
          "postalCode": "94403",
          "state": {
            "code": "CA"

Modifying account contacts

Use the following endpoints to modify or delete an account contact:

  • PATCH /account/v1/accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId}
  • DELETE /account/v1/accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId}

For example, the following request assigns an email for account contact pc:444 on account pc:202.

PATCH /account/v1/accounts/pc:202/contacts/pc:444

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "emailAddress1": ""

The following request deletes account contact pc:444 on account pc:202.

DELETE /account/v1/accounts/pc:202/contacts/pc:444

<no request body>