
The reinstatement policy transaction can only be applied to a canceled policy. A reinstatement is executed when the issue causing the cancellation is rectified. For example, a reinstatement could occur when an insurer receives past-due payment on a policy but had been canceled for lack of payment.

For details on reinstatements and other policy transactions in PolicyCenter, see the Application Guide.

Reinstate the policy

  1. Initiate a reinstatement policy transaction.

    Submit a business action POST to the /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/reinstate endpoint. The request payload must include the reinstateCode.code property, which takes a typecode from the ReinstateCode typelist.

        "data": {
            "attributes": {
                "reinstateCode": {
                    "code": "payment"

    The response payload contains the associated job, which is in Draft state. Use the job ID in the subsequent call.

  2. Generate a quote.

    Submit a business action POST to the /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/quote endpoint. Reinstatement (job effective) date is automatically set to the cancellation date. Everything else in the original policy remains unchanged.

  3. Complete the reinstatement policy transaction.

    The following table illustrates the two ways that a quoted reinstatement job can be completed:

    Transaction outcome Condition Job status Endpoint
    Accepted The account holder and insurer agree to the quote, and all necessary paperwork has been received by the insurer. The policy is bound and issued. Bound /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/bind-and-issue
    Withdrawn The quote contains erroneous data. Withdrawn /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/withdrawn

    Submit a business action POST to the relevant endpoint.