Overview of coverables

A coverable is something on a policy to which coverages are attached, such as a vehicle or a building.

LOB-endpoint pattern for line coverables

In every line of business, the line itself is a coverable. Liability coverages that cover the policy holder are typically attached to the line.

For each LOB, there are endpoints to get, modify, and delete a line resource. They follow these patterns:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}
  • PATCH ​/jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}

For example, for a personal auto line, the endpoints might be:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine

For information on how to generate LOB-specific endpoints, see the Cloud API Developer Guide. The examples in this section of the documentation use endpoints from the base configuration Personal Auto product. For information on how to generate these endpoints, see the Cloud API Developer Guide.

LOB-endpoint pattern for non-line coverables

For every non-line coverable, there are endpoints to get a collection of coverables, and to create, get, modify, and delete a coverable element. These endpoints follow these patterns:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}

For example, personal auto lines typically have one type of coverable - vehicles. For a personal auto line, the endpoints might be:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}

For information on how to generate LOB-specific endpoints, see the Cloud API Developer Guide. The examples in this section of the documentation use endpoints from the base configuration Personal Auto product. For information on how to generate these endpoints, see the Cloud API Developer Guide.

Hierarchical coverables

Some lines of business may define a hierarchy of parent and child coverables. For example, a Commercial Property line may have building coverables, and within each building there could be equipment coverables. For this LOB, there would be hierarchical endpoints for each coverable, such as the following POST endpoints:

  • POST /jobs/{jobId}/lines/CommercialPropertyLine/locations/{locationId}/buildings
  • POST​ /jobs/{jobId}/lines/CommercialPropertyLine/locations/{locationId}/buildings/{buildingId}/equipment