Overview of documents

Document owners

Documents cannot exist on their own. They must be attached to a parent object. From a Cloud API perspective, BillingCenter documents are always attached to an account, a policy, or a producer.

In ContactManager, documents can be attached only to vendor contacts (contacts with the "vendor" tag).

Document metadata and content

The BillingCenter data model includes a Document entity. Instances of Document contain only document metadata, such as the author, MIME type, and status (draft, final, and so on).

Document contents are stored in and managed by a document management system. BillingCenter is almost always integrated with a document management system so that users can upload documents and view and edit document contents.

Note: The base configuration includes code to mimic document management system integration. This code is suitable for demonstration purposes, but it is not recommended for production as it lacks the full range of features found in a document management system, such as versioning.

Documents can exist in an InsuranceSuite application with metadata but no contents. For example, this may be appropriate when a document is a physical piece of paper retained by the insurer. The insurer may want to track the existence of the document and metadata about the document, even though the contents are not in the document management system.

Documents cannot exist in an InsuranceSuite application with contents but no metadata.

docUIDs and pendingDocUIDs

When a document is stored in a document management system, it is assigned a DOCument Unique IDentifier, or docUID. This value can be set through Cloud API when the document is POSTed. Some document management systems may modify the docUID of an existing document. Therefore, Cloud API also supports the ability to change docUIDs in PATCHes.

In some cases the document is not immediately stored in the document management system. In a document's metadata, there is an optional field pendingDocUID which indicates if a document is pending storage. It might be generated by the document management system, or it can be set in the request when the document is POSTed or PATCHed. A document cannot have both a pendingDocUID and a docUID. For more, see POSTing documents.