Agency bill cycles

BillingCenter uses agency bill statements to bill producers for agency bill policies. BillingCenter manages the billing of statements using agency bill cycles.

From the perspective of Cloud API, an agency bill cycle serves as a container for information about the billing of a single statement. An agency bill cycle contains information about:

  • The primary statement for that agency bill cycle. A statement is used to record the money that is due to the insurer from the producer for that agency bill period.
  • The workflow of events in the agency bill cycle for that statement.
Note: Sometimes the terms "agency bill statement," "statement invoice," "statement," and "invoice" are used interchangeably in BillingCenter. For example, an agency bill statement’s identifying number is referred to as Statement # in the user interface and invoiceNumber in Cloud API. This is because in the data model, agency bill statements are a subtype of invoice.

For more information on agency bill cycles, see Overview of the statement lifecycle.

You can query for agency bill cycles using Cloud API.

Query for agency bill cycles

Use the following endpoints to query for a producer’s agency bill cycles:

  • GET /billing/v1/producers/{producerId}/agency-bill-cycles
  • GET /billing/v1/producers/{producerId}/agency-bill-cycles/{agencyBillCycleId}

Most agency bill cycle information is contained in the statementInvoice field and the agencyCycleProcess field.

  • The statementInvoice field captures information about the statement. The statement tracks the money that is due to the insurer from the producer.
  • The agencyCycleProcess captures information about the agency bill workflow for that statement, with booleans indicating whether steps in the process have been executed and dates for when those steps were executed.

The following fields in statementInvoice are not returned by default when retrieving a collection of agency bill cycles, but are returned when retrieving a single agency bill cycle:

  • allInvoiceItemsExactlyPaid
  • primaryDirectBillEarned

These fields can also be returned by specifying a ?fields=*detail or ?fields=*all query parameter for the collection endpoint.

For example, the following call retrieves a single agency bill cycle:


GET /billing/v1/producers/bc:154/agency-bill-cycles/bc:213


    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "agencyCycleProcess": {
                "currency": {
                    "code": "usd",
                    "name": "USD"
                "dunning1Sent": false,
                "dunning2Sent": false,
                "genPastDueExceptionDate": "2025-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
                "id": "bc:SmsQ933zikf1aob-lRRFu",
                "pastDueExceptionDismissed": false,
                "pastDueExceptionGenerated": false,
                "promiseExceptionDismissed": false,
                "promiseExceptionGenerated": false,
                "promiseReminderSent": false,
                "sendStatementDate": "2025-05-15T00:00:00.000Z",
                "statementSent": true
            "currency": {
                "code": "usd",
                "name": "USD"
            "id": "bc:213",
            "statementInvoice": {
                "adHoc": false,
                "allInvoiceItemsExactlyPaid": false,
                "amount": {
                    "amount": "860.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "amountDue": {
                    "amount": "560.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "eventDate": "2025-05-15",
                "id": "bc:235",
                "invoiceNumber": "1000000065",
                "netAmount": {
                    "amount": "860.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "netAmountPaid": {
                    "amount": "300.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "paymentDueDate": "2025-06-29",
                "primaryDirectBillEarned": {
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "status": {
                    "code": "billed",
                    "name": "Billed"
                "subtype": "StatementInvoice"

In this example, the statement has been sent, but no other steps in the agency bill workflow process have been executed.

The statement has been partially paid, and provides fields for how much has been paid and how much needs to be paid for the statement to be settled.