Commission subplans

Commission subplans are child entities of commission plans. Commission plans have at least one subplan. When a producer is associated with a policy period using a commission plan, BillingCenter uses the highest priority available subplan to define commissionable items, commission rates, and earning commission criteria.

For more information, see Specifying commission schedules.

Conditional and default subplans

There are two categories of subplan: conditional subplans and default subplans.

A commission plan has zero or more conditional subplans. A conditional subplan is used if the policy period meets certain availability criteria specified on the subplan. For example, a conditional subplan might only be available for policies of a certain product type.

A commission plan has one default subplan. The default subplan is always available and has no criteria which must be met. The default subplan is used if no conditional subplan is available for a policy.

Conditional subplans:

  • Are created with a call to the POST /admin/v1/commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans endpoint
  • Can be deleted
  • Have availability criteria
  • Have a subtype of CondCmsnSubPlan
  • Have variable and editable priority orders

Default subplans:

  • Are created in the call when the commission plan is created
  • Cannot be deleted
  • Do not have availability criteria
  • Have a subtype of DefaultCmsnSubPlan
  • Are always last priority in the list of subplans

Accessing full subplan functionality

You must add certain subplan details using specific child endpoints of the commission-sub-plans endpoints.

In some cases, features of the subplan are added with one endpoint but retrieved, updated, or deleted with a child endpoint. For example, subplan rates must be included in the call when conditional subplans are created, but they are queried for and updated using a child endpoint.

For detailed information on working with each respective subplan feature, refer to the following topics: