Agency bill plans

An agency bill plan is a set of values associated with one or more agency bill producers. The plan determines how BillingCenter executes certain automatic processes for the agency bill process. This includes:

  • When agency bill statements are billed and due
  • Whether agency bill statement documents are sent to producers
  • Whether promises are expected from producers
  • Whether to send dunning letters for past due statements

For more information, see Agency bill plans.

You can query for, create, update, and delete agency bill plans using Cloud API.

Querying for agency bill plans

Query for agency bill plans using the following endpoints:

  • GET /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans
  • GET /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/{agencyBillPlanId}

Example request

The following GET retrieves an agency bill plan with id bc:145.

GET /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/bc:145
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "autoProcessWhenPaymentMatches": true,
            "clearCommissionThresholdDefaults": {
                "usd": "3.00"
            "clearGrossThresholdDefaults": {
                "usd": "5.00"
            "clearingLogicTarget": {
                "code": "payments",
                "name": "Payments"
            "createOffsetsOnBilledInvoices": false,
            "currencies": [
                    "code": "usd",
                    "name": "USD"
            "cycleCloseDayOfMonth": 15,
            "cycleCloseDayOfMonthLogic": {
                "code": "exact",
                "name": "Exact Day"
            "daysAfterCycleCloseToSendStmnt": 0,
            "daysUntilFirstDunningSent": 0,
            "daysUntilPromiseReminderSent": 10,
            "daysUntilSecondDunningSent": 0,
            "effectiveDate": "2024-05-10",
            "exceptionForPastDueStatement": true,
            "exceptionIfPromiseNotReceived": false,
            "firstDunningSentIfNotPaid": false,
            "id": "bc:145",
            "inUse": false,
            "lowCommissionCleared": true,
            "lowGrossCleared": true,
            "name": "Standard Agency Bill Plan",
            "netThresholdForSuppressingStmtDefaults": {
                "usd": "2.00"
            "paymentExceptionsSent": true,
            "paymentTermsInDays": 45,
            "planOrder": 1,
            "pmntSchdChngOffsetsOnBilled": false,
            "producerWriteoffThresholdDefaults": {
                "usd": "5.00"
            "promiseDueInDays": 15,
            "promiseExceptionsSent": false,
            "reminderSentIfPromiseNotRcvd": false,
            "secondDunningSentIfNotPaid": false,
            "snapshotNonPastDueItems": true,
            "statementSentAfterCycleClose": true,
            "statementsWithLowNetSuppressed": true,
            "workflowPlan": {
                "code": "StdAgencyBill",
                "name": "Standard Agency Bill"
        "checksum": "0",
        "links": {}

Creating agency bill plans

Use the following endpoint to create an agency bill plan:

  • POST /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans

The minimum required fields to create an agency bill plan are detailed in the following table.

Field Value Description
currencies An array of currency objects The currencies that the plan supports.
cycleCloseDayOfMonthLogic Typekey reference to DayOfMonthLogic typelist Defines how the day of the month is identified for the cycle close.
effectiveDate String The effective date of the agency bill plan.
name String The name of the agency bill plan. Cannot be the same as another agency billing plan.
lowCommissionCleared Boolean Specifies whether BillingCenter automatically writes off commission differences if the difference is less than a given threshold.
lowGrossCleared Boolean Specifies whether BillingCenter automatically writes off gross differences if the difference is less than a given threshold.
clearingLogicTarget Typekey reference to ClearingLogicTarget typelist Identifies what lowCommissionCleared and lowGrossCleared apply to. In the base configuration, the options are promises, payments, and both.
paymentTermsInDays Integer The number of days between each statement's Billing Date and Due Date.
promiseDueInDays Integer The number of days after a statement's Billing Date (which is also the statement cycle's Close Date) to set the Promise Due Date.
statementsWithLowNetSuppressed Boolean Specifies whether BillingCenter will skip sending a statement when its balance is below a given threshold. Invoice items remain on that statement, whether the statement is sent or not.
workflowPlan Typekey reference to the workflow typelist The workflow type associated with the plan. This determines the events used by each workflow to process the agency bill cycles of the associated producers.

Setting thresholds

Agency bill plans use thresholds to determine if certain events occur, such as writing off commission differences or suppressing statements. If you are setting thresholds on an agency bill plan through Cloud API, additional fields are required to specify threshold amounts. These fields are required only when the corresponding required field is set to true.

The following table notes these threshold fields and their corresponding required fields:

Threshold field Required when
clearCommissionThresholdDefaults lowCommissionCleared is set to true
clearGrossThresholdDefaults lowGrossCleared is set to true
netThresholdForSuppressingStmtDefaults statementsWithLowNetSuppressed is set to true

Thresholds are specified in maps, with a field for each supported currency and a value for the threshold amount for that currency.

For example, the following snippet of a POST request body sets the thresholds below which statements are suppressed, with values for U.S. dollars and Japanese yen.
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "statementsWithLowNetSuppressed": true,
      "netThresholdForSuppressingStmtDefaults": {
          "usd": "2.00",
          "jpy": "300"

For more information on using different currencies in agency bill plans, see Plans and multicurrency.

Example POST

The following is an example of a minimal POST to create an agency bill plan.

POST /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans
Request body
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "clearingLogicTarget": {
                "code": "payments"
            "currencies": [
                    "code": "usd"
                    "code": "jpy"
            "cycleCloseDayOfMonthLogic": {
                "code": "nextbusinessday"
            "effectiveDate": "2024-05-05",
            "name": "Cloud API Agency Bill Plan",
            "lowCommissionCleared": true,
            "clearCommissionThresholdDefaults": {
                "usd": "3.00",
                "jpy": "400"
            "lowGrossCleared": false,
            "paymentTermsInDays": 40,
            "promiseDueInDays": 19,
            "statementsWithLowNetSuppressed": false,
            "workflowPlan": {
                "code": "LegacyAgencyBill"

Modifying agency bill plans

PATCH an agency bill plan using the following endpoint:
  • PATCH /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/{agencyBillPlanId}

For plans that are not in use, you can PATCH fields that define agency bill plan behavior. For example, the following PATCH adds support for Canadian dollars and removes support for Japanese yen from the example POST above.


PATCH /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/bc:146

Request body

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "currencies": [
                    "code": "usd"
                    "code": "cad"
            "clearCommissionThresholdDefaults": {
                    "cad": "11.00",
                    "usd": "13.00"

If a plan is in use, most fields cannot be PATCHed. The only fields that can be modified are expirationDate and planOrder.

Deleting agency bill plans

Use the following endpoint to delete an agency bill plan:
  • DELETE /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/{agencyBillPlanId}

You can only delete agency bill plans that are not in use. The command does not require a request body.

DELETE /admin/v1/agency-bill-plans/bc:146

This request returns a success message with no body.