Create a producer, producer contact, and producer code in one call

When creating a producer in the BillingCenter user interface, you must also specify a primary contact and producer code to successfully create the producer. This is not required when creating producers through Cloud API. However, it might be useful to create these child objects when creating the producer, as they are often required from a business perspective. This can be done in a single call using Request and response inclusion.

The following call demonstrates this. It creates the following:

  • A producer
  • A producer contact with a role of "primary" on that producer
  • A producer code, which associates the producer with an existing commission plan
POST /billing/v1/producers
Request body
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "currency": {
                "code": "usd"
            "name": "Producer A",
            "recurDayOfMonth": 15,
            "recurPeriodicity": {
                "code": "monthly"
            "tier": {
                "code": "gold"
    "included": {
        "ProducerContact": [
                "attributes": {
                    "contactSubtype": "company",
                    "companyName": "Producer A Inc."
                    "roles": [
                            "code": "primary"
                "method": "post",
                "uri": "/billing/v1/producers/this/contacts"
        "ProducerCode": [
            "attributes": {
                "code": "PA-1",
                "commissionPlan": {
                    "id": "bc:S3EvNMry_1x0s0XwyTjVx"
            "method": "post",
            "uri": "/billing/v1/producers/this/producer-codes"

For more information, see Producer contacts and Producer codes.