
A commission subplan can optionally have one or more incentives. An incentive is an additional commission that is paid when certain business conditions are met. Incentives can be used to encourage producers to provide certain types or amounts of business to the insurer.

In the base configuration of BillingCenter, there is only one kind of incentive: premium incentive. This is a policy-level incentive that stipulates the primary producer earns a higher commission rate when the policy period ends, expressed as an additional percent, if the total commissionable charges on the policy is equal to or greater than a given threshold.

For more information on incentives, see "Incentives" in Additional options for commission plans.

You can query for, create, modify, and delete premium incentives through Cloud API.

Querying for incentives

Query for incentives on a subplan using the following endpoints:
  • GET /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans/{commissionSubPlanId}/incentives
  • GET /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans/{commissionSubPlanId}/incentives/{incentiveId}

The following retrieves the incentives on a subplan:

GET /admin/v1/commission-plans/bc:134/commission-sub-plans/bc:199/incentives
    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
            "application": "Policy",
            "bonusPercentage": "5.00",
            "description": "Any policy with commissionable charges over CA$50,000.00 qualifies for a 5% bonus commission",
            "id": "bc:SUOHmuokMc2bl4A7f4UG6",
            "name": "Policies over CA$50,000.00 (5%)",
            "subtype": "PremiumIncentive",
            "threshold": {
                "amount": "50000.00",
                "currency": "cad"


Create an incentive

Create incentives using the following endpoint:
  • POST /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans/{commissionSubPlanId}/incentives
The required fields when creating an premium incentive are as follows:
  • subtype - The type of incentive. In the base configuration, there are only premium incentives. Therefore, without additional configuration, the value for this field must be set to the string "PremiumIncentive" for the call to succeed.
  • threshold - The threshold of the policy’s commissionable charges, as an amount/currency pair. If the premium is above this value, the incentive is activated.
  • bonusPercentage - The additional percent that is added to the general commission rate when the incentive is activated.

For example, the following request creates a premium incentive where the primary producer gets 3% bonus commission on policies with commissionable charges above $50,000.

POST /admin/v1/commission-plans/bc:134/commission-sub-plans/bc:199/incentives
Request body
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "subtype": "PremiumIncentive",
            "threshold": {
                "amount": "50000",
                "currency": "usd"
            "bonusPercentage": "3"
When you create an incentive, BillingCenter automatically generates a description for the incentive. You cannot specify this description in the request body. The following description is generated on the incentive created by the POST request above:
"description": "Any policy with commissionable charges over $50,000.00 qualifies for a 5% bonus commission"

Modify an incentive

Modify an incentive using the following endpoint:
  • PATCH /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans/{commissionSubPlanId}/incentives/{incentiveId}

If the commission plan is not in use, you can update the threshold amount or the bonus percentage. You cannot change the subtype of the incentive or the currency. If the commission plan is in use, incentives cannot be modified.

For example, the following request body updates an incentive to have a 5% bonus percentage on policies with commissionable charges over $70,000.

Example request body
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "threshold": {
                "amount": "70000",
                "currency": "usd"
            "bonusPercentage": "5"

Delete an incentive

Delete an incentive using the following endpoint:
  • DELETE /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/commission-sub-plans/{commissionSubPlanId}/incentives/{incentiveId}

The DELETE returns a success message with no response body.