Changing subplan order

All the subplans on a commission plan are ordered by priority.

When BillingCenter receives a new policy period with a producer code, it evaluates the subplans in the associated commission plan in priority order (from highest to lowest). The first subplan whose availability criteria is met is used to determine the commission for the policy period.

In the user interface, you can manually change the priority of subplans using arrows. (Except for the default subplan, which is always lowest in the priority list.) You can also change subplan priority order using Cloud API.

Change the order of a commission plan’s subplans

Use the following endpoint to change subplan order:

  • POST /commission-plans/{commissionPlanId}/change-sub-plan-order

When changing subplan order, the only field that you need to include in the request is commissionSubPlans. This field is an array of subplan ids. The order of this array of ids is used to set the new priority order of the subplans.

Take note of the following requirements:

  • For each subplan id, there must be an existing commission subplan on the commission plan.
  • You must have exactly one item in the array for each subplan.
  • You must always leave the default subplan at the bottom.

For example, consider that a commission plan has five subplans with the following ids and in the following priority order:

  1. condSubplanA
  2. condSubplanB
  3. condSubplanC
  4. condSubplanD
  5. defaultSubplan

You could send the following request to change the order of the conditional subplans:


POST /commission-plans/bc:134/change-sub-plan-order

Request body

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "commissionSubPlans": [
                    "id": "condSubplanC"
                    "id": "condSubplanA"
                    "id": "condSubplanD"
                    "id": "condSubplanB"
                    "id": "defaultSubplan"

As a result of this call, the subplans are set to have the following priority order:

  1. condSubplanC
  2. condSubplanA
  3. condSubplanD
  4. condSubplanB
  5. defaultSubplan