History events

When certain events occur in InsuranceSuite they are automatically recorded. Each history event is stored as a CustomHistory type. You can retrieve these history events by using the history-events endpoint.

The following endpoints are available for retrieving history events:

  • GET /common/v1/history-events/{historyEventId}
  • GET /account/v1/accounts/{accountId}/history-events
  • GET /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/history-events
  • GET /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/history-events

The following sections provide examples of each of these endpoints.

Retrieve a single history event

You can retrieve a single history event by using the history-events endpoint in the common API. To use this endpoint you must first retrieve the historyEventId from the history-events endpoint on the relevant object, such as the contacts object in the ContactManager Contact API. (For more information on the Contact API, see History events for ContactManager.)

The information retrieved in this example is from an account change history event where the account changed from pending to active.


GET /common/v1/history-events/S-d_RRz9cG9bhqcfVN2xC


    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "account": {
                "displayName": "C000478975",
                "id": "SaDgS3XDMmUlTYlw-HNoI",
                "type": "Account",
                "uri": "/account/v1/accounts/SaDgS3XDMmUlTYlw-HNoI"
            "customType": {
                "code": "acct_changed",
                "name": "Account changed"
            "description": "Pending account became active",
            "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-03T23:03:05.992Z",
            "historyType": {
                "code": "custom",
                "name": "Custom"
            "id": "SJj0sm_oXm7aZUXrKuWxF",
            "user": {
                "displayName": "Super User",
                "id": "default_data:1",
                "type": "User",
                "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"

Retrieve account history events

Account events include history events that occur on policies and jobs on the account, as well as on the account itself. In the following example, the response contains history events for the creation of a new policy submission and a status change on the account.


GET /account/v1/accounts/pc:SaDgS3XDMmUlTYlw-HNoI/history-events


    "count": 6,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_created",
                    "name": "Submission created"
                "description": "Submission Created",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-07T16:22:29.274Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:SR4hGI-1z3kboa72Iq8TA",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "acct_changed",
                    "name": "Account changed"
                "description": "Pending account became active",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-03T23:03:05.992Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:SJj0sm_oXm7aZUXrKuWxF",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"

Retrieve policy history events

Policy events include history events that occur on a policy such as submission and renewal. The following example retrieves the history events for a policy, which includes issuing and binding a policy submission.


GET /policy/v1/policies/pc:SLPuVkGT6eWGRHdgoUKhf/history-events


    "count": 3,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_issued",
                    "name": "Submission issued"
                "description": "Submission Issued",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-04T18:31:27.520Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:S-d_RRz9cG9bhqcfVN2xC",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_bound",
                    "name": "Submission bound"
                "description": "Submission Bound",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-04T18:31:27.425Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:SNO7nB9xRpVIAjnsWkKdg",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"

Retrieve job history events

Job events include history events that occur on a specific job, such as submission and binding. The following example retrieves the history events on a job.


GET /job/v1/jobs/pc:Sbc3KMas5O0NLUtEOCn1w/history-events


    "count": 3,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_issued",
                    "name": "Submission issued"
                "description": "Submission Issued",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-04T18:31:27.520Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:S-d_RRz9cG9bhqcfVN2xC",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_bound",
                    "name": "Submission bound"
                "description": "Submission Bound",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-04T18:31:27.425Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:SNO7nB9xRpVIAjnsWkKdg",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "sub_created",
                    "name": "Submission created"
                "description": "Submission Created",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-03T23:03:05.991Z",
                "historyType": {
                    "code": "custom",
                    "name": "Custom"
                "id": "pc:SD3Ll6tm852Ca9xTqenCm",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"