Adding coverages

Automatically added coverages

For installed products, when a line or coverable is created, the PolicyCenter default behavior is to create all associated coverages that meet the following criteria:

  • They are available when the call is made.
  • They have an existence type of "Required" or "Suggested".

For example, in the base configuration Personal Auto product, the PACollisionCov coverage is required on a vehicle. Thus, whenever you create a vehicle, PolicyCenter automatically adds a PACollisionCov coverage to it (provided it is available).

(For visualized products, no coverages are added automatically.)

Caller applications with sufficient authorization can disable this automatic creation of coverages and child objects. For more information, see Synchronization and deferred validation.

Manually adding line-level coverages

To add line-level coverages manually, use the appropriate LOB-specific endpoints. To create a coverage, you must know the coverage's ID. You can use the following endpoint from the Product Definition API to retrieve information about all available line-level coverages for a given line, including their IDs:

  • GET productdefinition/v1/lines/{lineId}/coverages

You can then use the POST /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/coverages endpoint to create line-level coverages for the submission. The coverage ID is specified in the pattern attribute.

The following is an example of creating a Personal Auto Liability coverage (whose pattern ID is PALiabilityCov) for submission job pc:4040.

POST /job/v1/jobs/pc:4040/lines/PersonalAutoLine/coverages

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "pattern": {
            "id": "PALiabilityCov"

Manually adding coverable-level coverages

To add coverable-level coverages manually, use the appropriate LOB-specific endpoints. To create a coverage, you must know the coverage's ID. You can use the following endpoint from the Product Definition API to retrieve information about all available coverable-level coverages for a given line, including their IDs:

  • GET productdefinition/v1/lines/{lineId}/coverables/{coverableID}/coverages

You can then use the POST /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/{coverableName}/{coverableId}/ coverages endpoint to create coverable-level coverages for the submission. The coverage ID is specified in the pattern attribute.

The following is an example of creating a Collision coverage (whose pattern ID is PACollisionCov) for the Toyota Camry (103) on submission job pc:4040.

POST /job/v1/jobs/pc:4040/lines/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/103/coverages

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "pattern": {
            "id": "PACollisionCov"

Data created in addition to the coverage

When you create a coverage, either through PolicyCenter directly or through Cloud API, PolicyCenter automatically creates all coverage terms that meet the following criteria:

  • They are available when the call is made.
  • They are required.

For example, in the base configuration Personal Auto product, the PACollisionCov coverage has a required PACOLDeductible coverage term (collision deductible). Thus, whenever you create a PACollisionCov coverage, PolicyCenter automatically adds a PACOLDeductible coverage term to it (provided it is available).

Caller applications with sufficient authorization can disable this automatic creation of coverages and child objects. For more information, see Synchronization and deferred validation.