Commission plans

Producers typically earn commissions for work related to policies. The commission rate is defined in the commission plan associated with the policy’s producer code. In the default configuration, commission plans are provided to PolicyCenter through integration with BillingCenter.

For more on Billing system integration, see the Application Guide.

Retrieve commission plans

You can retrieve summary information about all commission plans available in PolicyCenter with the following command:

GET /admin/v1/commission-plan-summaries


    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "allowedTiers": [
                        "code": "bronze",
                        "name": "Bronze"
                "currencies": [
                        "code": "usd",
                        "name": "USD"
                "id": "pc:4",
                "name": "Standard Commission Plan default (USD)"

Commission plans in multicurrency mode

When you create a producer code in single currency mode, a default commission plan is associated with that code. In multicurrency mode, you can associate multiple commission plans with a producer code, each with a different currency. (You cannot associate multiple commission plans with the same currency.) To associate commission plans for multiple currencies with a producer code, you must specify the following information when creating the producer code:

  • code: The alphanumeric id of the code
  • id: The id of the producer organization
  • roles: An array of one or more roles. Each member of the ray specifies one role by its id.
  • commissionPlans: Array of commission plan objects.
    • commissionPlanId: The ID of the commission plan to associate with the producer code. If no commissionPlanId is specified, the default commission plan is assigned. If you add more than one commission plan, you must include the commissionPlanId for all but the default plan.
    • currency: You must define at least one currency. If you define only one currency with no commissionPlanId, the currency will be assigned with the default commission plan.

The following example creates a producer code in multicurrency mode with two commission plans: the default plan in US dollars and plan cp-123 in euros.


POST /admin/v1/producer-codes


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "code": "301-008579",
      "organization": {
        "id": "pc:4"
      "roles": [
          "id": "producer"
      "commissionPlans": [
          "currency": {
            "code": "usd"
          "commissionPlanId": "cp-123"
          "currency": {
            "code": "eur"

See the Application Guide for more information on commission plans for multicurrency.

Filter commission plans

You can filter the commission plans retrieved with the GET command with the following filters:

  • allowedTiers
  • currencies

This example retrieves only those commission plans that support a currency of either aud or cad and that are in the bronze allowed tier. (Note that this example demonstrates these filters on a configuration in multicurrency mode.)


GET /admin/v1/commission-plan-summaries?filter=currencies:in:aud,cad&filter=allowedTiers:in:bronze


  "count": 10,
  "data": [
      "attributes": {
        "allowedTiers": [
            "code": "bronze",
            "name": "Bronze"
        "currencies": [
            "code": "gbp",
            "name": "GBP"
            "code": "cad",
            "name": "CAD"
            "code": "rub",
            "name": "RUB"
        "id": "pctest:0(325)",
        "name": "Standard Commission Plan 0 (CAD, GBP, RUB)"
      "attributes": {
        "allowedTiers": [
            "code": "bronze",
            "name": "Bronze"
        "currencies": [
            "code": "usd",
            "name": "USD"
            "code": "cad",
            "name": "CAD"
            "code": "aud",
            "name": "AUD"
        "id": "pctest:0(043)",
        "name": "Standard Commission Plan 0 (USD, AUD, CAD)"