Overview of coverages

A coverage is a specific type of loss covered on the policy. From a policy structure standpoint, there are two types of coverages: line-level coverages and coverable-level coverages.

LOB-endpoint pattern for line-level coverages

A line-level coverage is a coverage attached to the line resource. Line-level coverages are often liability coverages that protect the policy holder (and any other named insureds). For example, for the personal auto line, "Liability - Bodily Injury and Property Damage" is a line-level coverage. Line-level coverages are attached to the line resource to indicate that apply to everyone covered by the policy.

For every line, there are endpoints to get a collection of line-level coverages, and to create, get, modify, and delete a line-level coverage element. These endpoints follow these patterns:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/coverages
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/coverages
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • DELETE ​/jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/coverages/{coverageId}

For example, for a personal auto line, the endpoints might be:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/coverages
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/coverages
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/coverages/{coverageId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/coverages/{coverageId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/coverages/{coverageId}

LOB-endpoint pattern for coverable-level coverages

A coverable-level coverage is a coverage that attached to a specific coverable. Coverable-level coverages are often property coverages that protect loss or damage of the associated coverable. For example, for the personal auto line, "Collision" is a coverable-level coverage that is attached to a specific vehicle.

For every coverable in a line, there are endpoints to get a collection of coverages, and to create, get, modify, and delete a line-level coverage element. These endpoints follow these patterns:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}/coverages
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}/coverages
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{coverablesName}/{coverableNameId}/coverages/{coverageId}

For example, for a personal auto line, the endpoints might be:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/coverages
  • POST ​/jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/coverages
  • GET ​/jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/coverages/{coverageId}

Coverages for hierarchical coverables

If a line has a hierarchy of coverables, then there is also a hierarchy of coverage endpoints. For example, suppose there is a Commercial Property line with building coverables and equipment coverables. Equipment is always associated with a given building. In this case, the endpoints for adding coverages for buildings and equipment would look like this:

  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialPropertyLine/locations/{locationId}/buildings/{buildingId}/coverages
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialPropertyLine/locations/{locationId}/buildings/{buildingId}/equipment/{equipmentId}/coverages

Coverages for blanket coverables

There are also coverage endpoints for working with blanket coverages. Blanket coverables allow you to group multiple coverables within a single coverable set. See Blankets on jobs for more information.