Overview of modifying jobs

A policy can be created or modified only through the context of a policy transaction. The different types of policy transactions include the following:

  • Submission (to create a new policy)
  • Renewal (to create a new term for an existing policy)
  • Policy change
  • Cancellation
  • Reinstatement
  • Rewrite

In PolicyCenter, policy transactions are managed by instances of the Job data model entity. Similarly, in Cloud API, policy transactions are managed by instances of the Job resource. Every job has an associated policy. The majority of the work related to modifying a job lies in specifying the contents of the policy for the job.

Contents of a policy

The contents of a policy can be divided into two categories.

  • LOB-specific
    • The structure of these contents vary based on the associated lines of business.
    • Developers work with these contents using LOB-specific endpoints, which must be generated by the developer.
  • LOB-generic
    • The structure of these contents remains the same, regardless of the associated lines of business.
    • Developers work with these contents using LOB-generic endpoints, which are already present in the base configuration.

The following table summarizes the contents of a policy and the sections of the documentation that discuss how to add this type of contents to a job.

Content Type Definition Example from Personal Auto LOB relationship More information
Line A set of information that is used to define a type of product offered by an insurer Personal Auto Line LOB-specific Lines
Coverable A thing that is covered by the policy Vehicle LOB-specific Coverables and coverages
Coverage For each coverable, a specific type of covered loss Collision coverage (for a specific vehicle) LOB-specific Coverables and coverages
Coverage term A value that further defines or limits the extent of a coverage A deductible for a given collision coverage LOB-specific Coverables and coverages
Blankets A coverable that contains one or more other coverables under a single policy limit. A single policy limit covering multiple individual vehicle coverables LOB-specific Blankets
Modifier Information relevant to rating that is not necessarily tied to a specific coverable or coverage An "Anti-Lock Breaks" modifier that provides a discount for collision coverage if the vehicle has anti-lock breaks LOB-specific Modifiers
Question Information that can be used to pre-qualify an account or gather additional information relevant to rating The question "Has any policy or coverage been declined, canceled, or non-renewed during the prior 3 years?" Saying yes could disqualify the account. LOB-specific Questions
Exposure A thing that is not a coverable but gathers additional information to help rate or process a policy Driver. This provides information about a vehicle's drivers that can affect pricing (such as the driver's age), but coverages are not attached directly to any driver. LOB-specific Exposures, exclusions, and conditions
Exclusion A limit to coverages that defines circumstances where the coverage does not apply A "Custom Equipment" exclusion, which excludes coverage for damage done to "aftermarket equipment and modifications" LOB-specific Exposures, exclusions, and conditions
Condition A contractual obligation of the insurance policy that are neither coverages nor exclusions A condition stating that cancellation for non-payment requires a 30-day notice (and not just a 10-day notice as mandated in the jurisdiction) LOB-specific Exposures, exclusions, and conditions
Policy contact An account contact associated with a policy The policy's primary insured person LOB-generic Policy contacts
Policy location An account location associated with a policy The location where a vehicle is garaged LOB-generic Policy locations