History events

When certain events occur in ContactManager they are automatically recorded. Each history event is stored as a CustomHistory type. You can retrieve these history events by using the history-events endpoint on a contact object. The following endpoint is available for retrieving history events.

  • GET /contact/v1/contacts/{contactId}/history-events

In this example, the history events for contact ab:110 includes the creation of the contact and an update to the contact's primary address.


GET /contact/v1/contacts/ab:110/history-events


    "count": 2,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "primaryaddressadded",
                    "name": "Primary Address Added"
                "description": "A new primary address was added",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-11T23:25:14.394Z",
                "id": "ab:Sv_Ejfl07S-itXhjyVGnT",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"
            "attributes": {
                "customType": {
                    "code": "contactcreated",
                    "name": "Contact Created"
                "description": "Contact was created",
                "eventTimestamp": "2024-06-11T23:25:14.427Z",
                "id": "ab:S9aqZ8xIjijgVa-QPyKue",
                "user": {
                    "displayName": "Super User",
                    "id": "default_data:1",
                    "type": "User",
                    "uri": "/admin/v1/users/default_data:1"