
A queue is a named repository that belongs to a specific group and that contains activities assigned to the group but not yet to any user in the group. Users who belong to the group can assign activities in a queue to themselves. Queues are often used to allow users in a group to take ownership of activities as their workload or expertise permits.

In the data model, queues are managed using the AssignableQueue data model entity.

In order to work with queues in the base configuration, the following must exist:

  • Support for queues in the data model
  • Assignment methods that let activities be assigned to queues
  • Rules that create queues automatically, and/or user interface controls that let administrators create queues manually
  • User interface screens to let users view queues and the activities assigned to them, and to take ownership of activities in the queue

The base configuration of ClaimCenter has all of the above items. Thus, the base configuration of ClaimCenter supports queues.

The base configuration of PolicyCenter and BillingCenter have the first two items only. PolicyCenter and BillingCenter can support queues, but further configuration is required.

Queues in Cloud API

Cloud API provides a set of endpoints for managing queues. These endpoints exist for ClaimCenter, PolicyCenter, and BillingCenter.

  • In ClaimCenter, users can readily work with queues created through Cloud API.
  • In PolicyCenter and BillingCenter, additional user interface configuration is required to provide users with access to any queues created through Cloud API.

Working with queues

Querying for queues

To query for information about queues, use the following endpoints:

  • GET /admin/v1/groups/{groupId}/queues
  • GET /admin/v1/groups/{groupId}/queues/{queueId}

For example, the following request retrieves information about queue cc:790 for group cc:118:

GET /admin/v1/groups/cc:118/queues/cc:790

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "description": "Auto-created FNOL queue for group",
            "id": "xc:790",
            "name": "FNOL",
            "subGroupVisible": false

Creating queues

Use the following endpoint to create queues:

  • POST /admin/v1/groups/{groupId}/queues

When creating queues, the only required values are:

  • name - A string
  • subGroupVisible - A Boolean indicating whether the queue is visible from sub-groups of the group to which it belongs

For example, the following request creates a new queue for group cc:118:

POST /admin/v1/groups/cc:118/queues

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "name": "Damaged vehicle evaluations",
        "subGroupVisible": true

Modifying and deleting queues

To PATCH a queue, use the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /admin/v1/groups/{groupId}/queues/{queueId}

For example, the following request PATCHES queue cc:990 for group cc:118:

PATCH /admin/v1/groups/cc:118/queues/cc:990

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "description": "Queue for activities to process evaluations of damaged vehicles"

To DELETE a queue, use the following endpoint:

  • DELETE /admin/v1/groups/{groupId}/queues/{queueId}

For example, the following request deletes queue cc:990 belonging to group cc:118:

DELETE /admin/v1/groups/cc:118/queues/cc:990

<no request body>

Assigning activities to queues

You can assign activities to queues through Cloud API. For more information, see Assigning activities.