Account-level charges

An account can have two levels of charges: account-level charges and policy-level charges. An account-level charge is a charge that is owned by the account directly (such as a charge for a late fee). For more information on policy-level charges, seePolicy-level charges.

Use the following endpoint to query for account-level charges.

  • GET /billing/v1/accounts/{accountId}/charges

  • GET /billing/v1/charges/{chargeId}

Charges are associated with both accounts and policy periods, and a given charge cannot be considered to be owned entirely by either an account or a policy period. Therefore, Cloud API considers charges to be a top-level entity. To get an account's charges, you use an endpoint that has the account as the parent. But to get details about a specific charge, you use an endpoint where the charge is the parent.

For example, the following request queries for the account-level charges for account bc:707. The response specifies one charge for a $15 late fee.


GET /billing/v1/accounts/bc:707/charges
Response body
    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "amount": {
                    "amount": "15.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "chargeDate": "2023-05-23T21:35:02.718Z",
                "chargePattern": {
                    "displayName": "Late Fee",
                    "id": "default_data:7"
                "holdStatus": {
                    "code": "none",
                    "name": "Not Held"
                "id": "bc:SjwKGEQ00pe-TC22SOUT_",
                "reversed": false,
                "skipInvoiceItemCreation": false,
                "totalInstallments": 0

The following request retrieves information about a single charge.


GET /billing/v1/charges/bc:SjwKGEQ00pe-TC22SOUT_
Response body
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "amount": {
                "amount": "15.00",
                "currency": "usd"
            "chargeDate": "2023-05-23T21:35:02.718Z",
            "chargePattern": {
                "displayName": "Late Fee",
                "id": "default_data:7"
            "holdStatus": {
                "code": "none",
                "name": "Not Held"
            "id": "bc:SjwKGEQ00pe-TC22SOUT_",
            "reversed": false,
            "skipInvoiceItemCreation": false,
            "totalInstallments": 0