Creating delinquency plans

Use the following endpoint to create a delinquency plan:

  • POST /admin/v1/delinquency-plans

Threshold values

A delinquency plan has five threshold values:

  • cancellationThresholdDefaults
  • acctEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults
  • polEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults
  • exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults
  • writeoffThresholdDefaults

There is validation logic requiring these values to be higher or lower than the other values.

  • The cancellationThresholdDefaults value (referred to in the following table as "High threshold") must be greater than all other threshold values.
  • The acctEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults and exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults values (referred to in the following table as "Middle threshold") can have the same value or different values. But both must be less than cancellationThresholdDefaults and both must be greater than both exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults and writeoffThresholdDefaults.
  • The exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults and writeoffThresholdDefaults values (referred to in the following table as "Low threshold") can have the same value or different values. But both must be less than all other threshold values.

Minimum creation criteria

When you create a delinquency plan, you must specify the values in the following table.

Field Value Comments
Non-threshold values
cancellationTarget A value from the CancellationTarget typelist
currencies Array of currency codes
effectiveDate datetime
gracePeriodDays integer
gracePeriodDayUnit A value from the DayUnit typelist
holdingInvoicingOnDlnqPolicies Boolean
name string
High threshold
cancellationThresholdDefaults decimal This value must be greater than all other threshold defaults.
Middle threshold
acctEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults decimal This value must be less than cancellationThresholdDefaults, but greater than the two "low threshold" values.
polEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults decimal This value must be less than cancellationThresholdDefaults, but greater than the two "low threshold" values.
Low threshold
exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults decimal This value must be less than cancellationThresholdDefaults and the "middle threshold" values.
writeoffThresholdDefaults decimal This value must be less than cancellationThresholdDefaults and the "middle threshold" values.

Example of creating a delinquency plan

For example, the following creates a new delinquency plan:

POST /admin/v1/delinquency-plans

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "cancellationTarget": {
        "code": "DelinquentPolicyOnly"
      "currencies": [
          "code": "usd"
      "effectiveDate": "2022-03-28",
      "gracePeriodDays": 0,
      "gracePeriodDayUnit": {
        "code": "calendar"
      "holdInvoicingOnDlnqPolicies": false,
      "name": "Cloud API Delinquency Plan",
      "cancellationThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "11.00"
      "acctEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "10.00"
      "polEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "10.00"
      "exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "5.00"
      "writeoffThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "0.00"

There are a separate set of endpoints for creating delinquency plan's workflows. For more information, see Delinquency plan workflows.