Querying for delinquency plans

Use the following endpoints to query for delinquency plans:

  • GET /admin/v1/delinquency-plans
    • Retrieves information on all delinquency plans
  • GET /admin/v1/delinquency-plans/{delinquencyPlanId}
    • Retrieves information about the specified delinquency plan

For example, the following is a snippet of the response for retrieving the sample data's "Standard Delinquency Plan" delinquency plan (bc:202):

GET /admin/v1/delinquency-plans/bc:202

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "acctEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "10.00"
      "applicableSegments": {
        "code": "all"
      "cancellationTarget": {
        "code": "DelinquentPolicyOnly"
      "cancellationThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "11.00"
      "currencies": [
          "code": "usd"
      "description": "Enter Delinquency at 10",
      "effectiveDate": "2022-03-28",
      "exitDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "5.00"
      "gracePeriodDayUnit": {
        "code": "calendar"
      "gracePeriodDays": 0,
      "holdInvoicingOnDlnqPolicies": false,
      "id": "bc:202",
      "inUse": true,
      "lateFeeAmountDefaults": {
        "usd": "100.00"
      "name": "Standard Delinquency Plan",
      "planOrder": 1,
      "polEnterDelinquencyThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "10.00"
      "reinstatementFeeAmountDefaults": {
        "usd": "100.00"
      "writeoffThresholdDefaults": {
        "usd": "0.00"

There are a separate set of endpoints for querying for a delinquency plan's workflows. For more information, see Delinquency plan workflows.

Additional filter options

Some GET endpoints that return collections have filter options that may not appear in the API definition for one reason or another. This documentation refers to them as additional filter options.

The GET /admin/v1/delinquency-plans endpoint has the following additional filter options:

  • currencies (It accepts a list of currency typecodes for use with the compareIn operator.)