PATCHing accounts

Use the following endpoint to PATCH an account:

  • PATCH /billing/v1/accounts/{accountId}

For example, the following request demonstrates changing the invoiceDayOfWeek field on an account.


PATCH /billing/v1/accounts/bc:7123
Request body
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "invoiceDayOfWeek": {
            "code": "Monday"
Warning: Once an account has one or more invoices, changing certain account fields can have a significant impact. For example, when you change an account's billing level from Account Level to Policy Level, BillingCenter reslices unbilled invoice items and puts them on new invoices in a new invoice stream. If manual modifications were made to these invoices before the change, reversing the change will not necessarily restore those invoices to their original state. For accounts with invoices, Guidewire recommends that you refer to the Application Guide to understand the impact of changing a given field before you PATCH an account. For more information, see the Application Guide.

Changing an account's payment instrument

To change an account's default payment instrument, update the defaultPaymentInstrument field with the id of the payment instrument. This works for both universal and account-specific payment instruments. For example, the following request sets account bc:Sw48E4rpt8MTGlmXNyUQa: to have a different payment instrument.


PATCH /billing/v1/accounts/bc:Sw48E4rpt8MTGlmXNyUQa

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "defaultPaymentInstrument": {
            "id": "bc:S6RySysrRjIuXIpVuYU13"