Geographic zones

The geographic zone endpoint is used to retrieve information about a predefined geographic region. That information can then be associated with InsuranceSuite features where a geographic region is needed.

Geographic zone endpoint:

GET /admin/v1/geographic-zones

GET is the only method available for geographic zones; you cannot add, update, or delete geographic zones through the Cloud API.

The base configuration of InsuranceSuite includes over 1,000 geographic zones, so Guidewire provides several fields you can filter on to make retrieving geographic zones more efficient.


  • id: The unique ID of the zone.
  • country: The typecode for the country you want to filter on. Use the Country typekey to find available country codes:

    GET /common/v1/typelists/Country?fields=typeKeys
  • zoneType: A typekey that varies by country. For example, if the country is US (United States) the zoneType could be state, whereas a country value of CA (Canada) could have a zoneType of province. Use the ZoneType typekey to find available zone types:

    GET /common/v1/typelists/ZoneType?fields=typeKeys
  • code: A value associated with the zoneType. For example, if the zoneType is state, the code could be OR (Oregon).

This example retrieves information for the geographic zone that includes the U.S. state of Oregon:

GET /admin/v1/geographic-zones?filter=country:eq:US&filter=zoneType:eq:state&filter=code:eq:OR

    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "code": "OR",
                "country": {
                    "code": "US",
                    "name": "United States"
                "displayName": "OR",
                "id": "US:S4MEjnBYkBZqD_nWzarTl",
                "name": "OR",
                "zoneType": {
                    "code": "state",
                    "name": "State"

Here’s another example, this time with a broader search. This example will return a list of all provinces in Canada:

GET /admin/v1/geographic-zones?filter=country:eq:CA&filter=zoneType:eq:province

    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "code": "BC",
                "country": {
                    "code": "CA",
                    "name": "Canada"
                "displayName": "BC",
                "id": "CA:SNAwbKcTW2uiIdv0FGcd0",
                "name": "BC",
                "zoneType": {
                    "code": "province",
                    "name": "Province"
            "attributes": {
                "code": "NL",
                "country": {
                    "code": "CA",
                    "name": "Canada"
                "displayName": "NL",
                "id": "CA:SGVv0UjgB0_EJCt80VU1K",
                "name": "NL",
                "zoneType": {
                    "code": "province",
                    "name": "Province"