Creating contingencies

Use the following endpoints to create a contingency associated with either a job or a policy:

  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies
  • POST ​/policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies

Minimum creation criteria

At a minimum, a contingency must specify:

  • A title
  • A description
  • A dueDate
  • An action, which must be set to a typecode from the ContingencyAction typelist

For example, the following request creates a new contingency for policy pc:62 with the given title and description. The due date is November 11, 2021. If the contingency is not resolved by then, PolicyCenter will take the action of retroactively changing the policy (to remove the good driver discount).

POST /policy/v1/policies/pc:62/contingencies

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "action": {
        "code": "ChangeRetroactively"
      "description": "Driving record required for good driver discount",
      "dueDate": "2021-11-11T00:00:00.000Z",
      "title": "Driving record required"

Creating related objects

Use the following endpoint to create activities, documents, and notes for a contingency.

Contingencies associated with jobs

Endpoint Description
POST ​/jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/activities Create an activity associated with the given contingency on the given job
POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/documents Create a document associated with the given contingency on the given job
POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/notes Create a note associated with the given contingency on the given job

Contingencies associated with policies

Endpoint Description
POST /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/activities Create an activity associated with the given contingency on the given policy
POST /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/documents Create a document associated with the given contingency on the given policy
POST /policies​/{policyId}​/contingencies​/{contingencyId}​/notes Create a note associated with the given contingency on the given policy

When an activity is created directly for an account, job, or policy, you must specify an activity pattern. However, when an activity is created for a contingency, you must omit the activity pattern. All activities created through contingencies use the "New Contingency" activity pattern (uw_review_contingency). If the request payload contains an activity pattern, the request fails.

For more information on working with activities, documents, or notes, see the following: