Pre-renewal directions

A pre-renewal direction is a special note attached to a policy that provides information on how to execute the policy's next renewal job. There are three broad types of pre-renewal directions:

  • Non-renew - The policy will not be renewed at the request of the insurer.
  • Not taken - The policy will not be renewed at the request of the insured.
  • Refer to an individual - The policy will be reviewed by the insurer to determine if it can be renewed.

The full set of possible values is defined in the PreRenewalDirection typelist.

When you create a pre-renewal direction note, you must specify:

  • The direction
  • The user that the renewal will be assigned to
  • A security level for the note
  • Text for the note

The topic of the note is set to "Pre-renewal direction".

At any given time, a policy can have only one active pre-renewal direction. A new pre-renewal direction supersedes any previous directions.

In Cloud API, pre-renewal directions can be managed from endpoints in the Policy API.

Retrieving pre-renewal directions

To determine a policy's current pre-renewal direction, execute a GET for the policy.

  • The pre-renewal direction is stored in the preRenewalDirection field.
  • The user assigned by the pre-renewal is stored in the preRenewalOwner field.
  • If the GET includes the policy's notes, pre-renewal notes have a topic code of prerenewal.
The following request body is a snippet of the response for a GET of policy pc:44 with its associated notes. The snippet includes the information related to pre-renewal directions.
GET /policy/v1/policies/pc:44?include=notes

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "id": "pc:44",
            "preRenewalDirection": "underwriter",
            "preRenewalOwner": {
                "assigneeId": "userId=pc:3630,groupId=pc:318",
                "groupId": "pc:318",
                "name": "Alice Applegate (Los Angeles Branch UW)",
                "userId": "pc:3630"
    "included": {
        "Note": [
                "attributes": {
                    "bodySummary": "Refer to underwriter to investigate excessive number of claims",
                    "confidential": true,
                    "securityType": {
                        "code": "internalonly",
                        "name": "Internal Only"
                    "topic": {
                        "code": "prerenewal",
                        "name": "Pre-renewal direction"

Setting pre-renewal directions

Use the following endpoint to set a policy's pre-renewal direction:

  • POST /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/set-prerenewal-direction

Minimum creation criteria

At a minimum, the request body must provide the following:

  • body - The body of the pre-renewal note
  • direction - The pre-renewal direction (A value from the PreRenewalDirection typelist)
  • securityType - The security type of the note (A value from the NoteSecurityType typelist)

Additional fields may be required depending on the selected pre-renewal direction. The following table summarizes the required fields.

Pre-renewal direction direction value Additional required fields
Non-renew nonrenew nonRenewReason (A value from the NonRenewalCode typelist)
Not taken nottaken (none)
Refer to underwriter underwriter assignTo
Refer to underwriter assistant assistant assignTo
Refer to Customer Service Representative custrep assignTo
Non-renew and refer to underwriter nonrenewrefer


nonRenewReason (A value from the NonRenewalCode typelist)

Non-renew example

For a non-renew direction, you must specify the non-renewal reason. This must be a typecode from the NonRenewalCode typelist.

POST /policy/v1/policies/pc:44/set-prerenewal-direction

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "body": "Excessive claims",
      "direction": {
        "code": "nonrenew"
      "nonRenewReason": {
        "code": "loss"
      "securityType": {
        "code": "internalonly"

Not taken example

For a non-renew direction, aside from body, direction, and securityType, no additional fields are required.

POST /policy/v1/policies/pc:44/set-prerenewal-direction

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "body": "Insured is selling their car",
      "direction": {
        "code": "nottaken"
      "securityType": {
        "code": "internalonly"

Refer to review example

For a "refer to underwriter" direction, you must specify the underwriter and group to assign the renewal to in the assignTo field.

POST /policy/v1/policies/pc:44/set-prerenewal-direction

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "assignTo": {
        "userId": "pc:3630",
        "groupId": "pc:318"
      "body": "Refer to underwriter to investigate excessive number of claims",",
      "direction": {
        "code": "underwriter"
      "securityType": {
        "code": "internalonly"

Clearing pre-renewal directions

You can clear a policy's pre-renewal direction. This removes any active pre-renewal direction without setting a new one. The puts the policy in the same state it would be in if it had never had any pre-renewal direction.

Use the following endpoint to clear a policy's pre-renewal direction:

  • POST /policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/clear-prerenewal-direction

The request does not require a body.