PATCHing jobs

This topic discusses changes you can make to a job directly on the Job resource.

Read-only fields

Once a job has been created, some fields are read-only and cannot be changed. This includes the following fields:

  • account
  • createdDate
  • id
  • jobNumber
  • jobStatus
  • jobType
  • organization and organizationOfService
  • periodStart and periodEnd
  • producerCode
  • quoteType

Note that organization, producerCode, and organizationOfService can be modified indirectly by changing the job's producerCodeofService. For more information, see Policy producers.

Fields you can modify using PATCH /{jobId}

Some of the fields on a Job resource can be modified using the PATCH /job/v1/jobs/{jobId} endpoint. This most commonly PATCHed fields include the following:

  • baseState
    • A value from the State typelist
  • preferredCoverageCurrency
    • A value from the Currency typelist
    • This can be modified only if PolicyCenter is in multicurrency mode
  • primaryLocation
    • This can be changed to the ID of another location on the job
  • termType
    • A value from the TermType typelist
  • uwCompany
    • The ID of an underwriting company

For example, the following PATCH changes job pc:4477 so that the job's base state is Washington, the term type is annual, and the underwriting company is Acme Low Hazard Insurance (uwc:1):

PATCH /job/v1/jobs/pc:4477

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "baseState": {
        "code": "WA"
      "termType": {
        "code": "Annual"
      "uwCompany": {
        "id": "uwc:1"

Fields you can modify using specific endpoints

The following fields can be changed using specific endpoints:

  • effectiveDate
  • primaryInsured
  • selectedVersion

To change the effective date, use the POST /jobs/{jobId}/change-effective-date endpoint. The POST requires a body with a jobEffectiveDate property.

For example, the following changes the effective date of job pc:4477 to January 1, 2024:

PATCH /job/v1/jobs/pc:4477/change-effective-date

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "jobEffectiveDate": "2024-01-01"

To change the primary insured, use the POST /jobs/{jobId}/change-primary-named-insured endpoint. The POST requires a body with a primaryNamedInsured property whose ID is set to the ID of another contact on the account.

For example, the following changes the primary named insured from Ray Newton to Helena Newton (test_pp:3):

PATCH /job/v1/jobs/pc:4477/change-primary-named-insured

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "primaryNamedInsured": {
	  "id": "test_pp:3"

Versions are used for quoting multi-version policies. For information on how to change the selected version of a job, see Multi-version quoting.