
Recurrences in ClaimCenter

A recurrence is a series of one or more checks that Claim Center issues periodically. This is a common requirement for claims involving injuries that require long-term medical treatment, such as an injury that requires weekly physical therapy. Recurrences are also referred to a recurring check sets.

Recurring checks must be written to the same payees and be for the same amount.

For more information on recurrences, see the Application Guide.

Specifying the frequency

Recurrences can be specified monthly or weekly.

Monthly frequencies can be specified as "every X months on the Nth day" (such as "every 2 months on the 14th"). They can also be specified as "every X months on the Nth dayOfWeek" (such as "every 1 month on the first Friday").

Weekly frequencies are specified as "every X weeks on dayOfWeeks" (such as "every 3 weeks on Tuesdays").

Technically, the frequency of a recurring check set starts with the second check in the sequence, not the first. It is possible to send the first check either "in sequence" or "out of sequence". For example, suppose you have a monthly check set of five checks. You could send the first check on March 19th, with the following checks on April 19, May 19, June 19, and July 19. But, you could also send the first check on March 19th, with the following checks on April 1, May 1, June 1, and July 1.

Recurrences in Cloud API

To specify that a check set is recurring, the POST payload must specify a recurrence object in the check set payload. In the recurrence object, the following fields are always required:

  • firstDueDate - The due date of the first check (You can set this to either match the frequency of the subsequent checks, or to be "out of sequence".)
  • numChecks - The total number of checks in the recurrence
  • subtype - The recurrence frequency, typically MonthlyCheckReccurence or WeeklyCheckRecurrence

There are additional required fields, but these vary based on how the frequency is specified.

Sending checks every X months on the Nth day

You can send checks with a recurrence of every X months on the Nth day. For example:

  • Send checks every 1 month (every month) on the 15th
  • Send checks every 2 months on the 10th

For this type of frequency, the following fields are required:

  • firstDueDate - The due date of the first check (You can set this to either match the frequency of the subsequent checks, or to be "out of sequence".)
  • numChecks - The total number of checks in the recurrence
  • subtype - set to MonthlyCheckRecurrence
  • monthlyFrequency - The number of months in each iteration (1 to send checks every month, 2 for every other month, and so on).
  • recurrenceDate (the day of the month on which the check is set)

For example, the following recurrence could be used to send 10 checks, once every month, on the 7th. The first check will be sent January 7. The next check will be sent February 7, and so on.

      "recurrence": {
        "firstDueDate": "2021-01-07",
        "monthlyFrequency": 1,
        "numChecks": 10,
        "recurrenceDate": 7,
        "subtype": {
          "code": "MonthlyCheckRecurrence"

Sending checks every X months on the Nth dayOfWeek

You can send checks with a recurrence of every X months on the Nth dayOfWeek. For example:

  • Send checks every 1 month (every month) on the 1st Friday
  • Send checks every 2 months on the 3rd Tuesday

For this type of frequency, the following fields are required:

  • firstDueDate - The due date of the first check (You can set this to either match the frequency of the subsequent checks, or to be "out of sequence".)
  • numChecks - The total number of checks in the recurrence
  • subtype - Set to MonthlyCheckRecurrence
  • monthlyFrequency - The number of months in each iteration (1 to send checks every month, 2 for every other month, and so on).
  • recurrenceWeek
    • recurrenceWeek.code - Set to a typecode from the RecurrenceWeek typelist (first, second, third, fourth, or last)
  • recurrenceDay
    • recurrenceDay.code - Set to a typecode from the RecurrenceDay typelist (mon, tue, weds, thurs, fri, sat, or sun)
For example, the following recurrence could be used to send 7 checks, once every month, on the first Thursday. The first check will be sent January 7 (the first Thursday in January). The next check will be sent February 4 (the first Thursday in February), and so on.
      "recurrence": {
        "firstDueDate": "2021-01-07",
        "monthlyFrequency": 1,
        "numChecks": 7,
        "recurrenceDay": {
          "code": "thurs"
        "recurrenceWeek": {
            "code": "first"
        "subtype": {
          "code": "MonthlyCheckRecurrence"

Sending checks every X weeks on dayOfWeek

You can send checks with a recurrence of every X weeks on dayOfWeeks. For example:

  • Send checks every 1 week (every week) on Fridays
  • Send checks every 2 weeks on Tuesdays

For this type of frequency, the following fields are required:

  • firstDueDate - The due date of the first check (You can set this to either match the frequency of the subsequent checks, or to be "out of sequence".)
  • numChecks - The total number of checks in the recurrence
  • subtype - Set to WeeklyCheckRecurrence
  • weeklyFrequency - The number of weeks in each iteration (1 to send checks every week, 2 for every other week, and so on).
  • recurrenceDay
    • recurrenceDay.code - Set to a typecode from the RecurrenceDay typelist (mon, tue, weds, thurs, fri, sat, or sun)

For example, the following recurrence could be used to send 12 checks, once every week, on Thursdays. The first check will be sent January 7. The next check will be sent January 14, and so on.

      "recurrence": {
        "firstDueDate": "2021-01-07",
        "numChecks": 12,
        "recurrenceDay": {
          "code": "thurs"
        "subtype": {
          "code": "WeeklyCheckRecurrence"
        "weeklyFrequency": 1