Schedules in mind map

Schedules capture information about scheduled items. For each scheduled item, each piece of information is a schedule term, such as a name or description. Schedules are often referred to during underwriting and are included in forms.

Some schedule terms are passed to rating and potentially affect the cost of the policy. These terms are often, but not necessarily, Decimal, Monetary Amount, Option, or Package schedule terms.

If a schedule term is modeled in the mind map as a drop-down list with Number, Decimal or Monetary Amount items, then the list becomes an Option drop-down type in the visualized product. If the value contains the slash character (/), it is imported as a Package drop-down type. In the visualized product, you can change the drop-down type to Typelist or another value.

In schedules, dependent attribute relationships in drop-down lists are not supported. They are dropped when you import the mind map.

Jewelry schedule example

For example, a Jewelry Scheduled Item has the following schedule terms:
  • Type – Type of jewelry as Text
  • Description – Description of the piece of jewelry as Text
  • Value – Value of the jewelry as a Monetary Amount
  • Deductible – Drop-down list with $500, $1,000, and $5,000 Monetary Amount choices
In a policy, the Jewelry schedule contains the following information:
Type Description Value Deductible
Pearl necklace Single strand, 16 inches, white pearls $4,500 $500
Diamond engagement ring 3 carats of diamonds in 18 karat white gold $17,000 $5,000
Wedding band 18 karat white gold $7,250 $1,000
To create a schedule in XMind, create a clause (Jewelry coverage) with a risk object (Jewelry Scheduled Item). On the risk object, attach schedule terms of any of the data types, such as Text, Monetary Amount, Drop-down list. The following illustration shows the mind map for a jewelry schedule.