Labels on product and product line

To import the mind map, Advanced Product Designer App requires that products and product lines have a Label in the map.

To add a label, right-click on the topic, and select Insert > Label.

Product label

The product label is of the format <Abbreviation>-<Identifier>. The Abbreviation is eight characters, the first of which must be an uppercase letter and the remaining letters, digits, $, or _. The Identifier must start with an uppercase letter followed by letters, digits, $, or _.

For example, the following Property Owners product has the label CPO-PropertyOwners:

Line label

The line label is of the format <LinePrefix>-<Identifier> where LinePrefix is eight characters, the first of which is an uppercase letter followed by letters, digits, $, or _. The Identifier starts with an uppercase letter followed by letters, digits, $, or _.

Visualized product in PolicyCenter

When Advanced Product Designer App creates the APD App product:

  • The 8-digit code becomes an Abbreviation. In a line template, the code becomes the Line Prefix.
  • The identifier becomes the Identifier for the line appended with the word Line.