Package clause terms

Package clause terms are terms offered as a group. Each term in the package returns a numeric value. In the visualized product, you can set the numeric value for each term. For example, a Liability - Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage on a car offers package coverage terms, that group three terms. The first package offers 50, 100, 50 terms. The term labeled 50 might return 50 or a multiplier of 50. Like the other package terms, the Statutory package term corresponds to three terms.
  • 50/100/50
  • 50/200/50
  • Statutory
In a clause term, the package terms can have different numbers of values. For example, the following clause term has packages with three, two, and one terms:
  • 50/100/50
  • 1000/1000
  • 100K CSL

To view package clause terms in an APD App product, go the clause and select Edit Clause Terms to display the Clause Terms Definition page. The terms are listed in a table. Edit a clause term to view the Element details panel with the Drop-down definition field. The package clause terms are split into individual Money or other Other fields. If the fields are Other, you can change them to a more appropriate type such as Count, Days, Hours, Money, or Percent. The label Value# is editable. Change Value# to an appropriate short name for the clause term.

Mind map

The following mind map shows a coverage with Money, Number, and Decimal package coverage terms.

See also

APD App product

When you create a new product from a mind map in Advanced Product Designer App, these drop-down lists are imported as package clause terms. In the Drop-down Definition, the Type is package.

When you import the mind map, the values are extracted. For example, the values 25, 50, and 100 are extracted from 25/50/100. If the marker type is Money in the mind map, Currency is set to the default currency.

Changing Text markers to package clause terms

For package clause terms with text labels, Guidewire recommends that you use the marker appropriate for the value, such as Number, Decimal, or Monetary Amount.

If the marker type is Text in the mind map, the Type defaults to package in the visualized product. Set the Value to the appropriate type and enter values. The label Value# is editable. Change Value# to an appropriate short name for the clause term.