Model information using attributes

When writing a policy, you may require specific information or answers to question about parts of the policy. You can model this information using attributes. For example, in a small business policy, you need to know whether the insured has been refused insurance in the past. On a building, you may need to know the number of stories. Attributes can be attached to various parts of the product, such as the product line, risk objects, and exposures. Attributes can impact the pricing of a policy and drive underwriting decisions.

In a visualized product, attributes associated with a product model element appear below or near that element. Attributes can be:
  • Text
  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Monetary amount
  • True/false
  • Date-time
  • Drop-down list
  • Location
  • Involved party

Attributes on the product line and risk objects appear on the Attributes tab.