Configuring the IdP

For internal users, the IdP must store:

  • The user's credentials (for example, user name and password)

For external users, the IdP must store:

  • The user's credentials (for example, user name and password)
  • The list of API roles that are to be granted to the user
  • The user's resource access IDs

The IdP must provide this information to Guidewire Hub when it asserts the user's identity. This information is used to verify the user's identity and to determine the user's endpoint and resource access.

Configure the IdP for bearer token authentication


  1. Configure your IdP so that it knows all of the API roles that are assigned to any external user.
    • Typically, this is done with IdP groups.
    • Each group name must be prefixed with "gwa.<planetclass>.pc.", where <planetclass> is set to either "prod", "preprod", or "lower".
    • After this prefix, each group name must be identical to a system API role name.
    • For example, to assign users to an API role named "Account_Holders" for a production planet, the IdP group must be named "".
  2. Configure your IdP so that every user is associated with their user credentials (such as user name and password).
  3. Configure your IdP so that every external user is associated with their API roles.
  4. Configure your IdP so that every external user is associated with the correct resource access IDs:
    • For account holders, this is an array of one or more account numbers.
  5. Configure your IdP so that when a user is verified, the authorization information is asserted using the following attribute names:
    • User name is asserted as pc_username.
    • API roles are asserted as an array named groups.
    • Resource access IDs for account holders are asserted as an array named pc_accountNumbers.