Example flow for anonymous users

The following diagram identifies the flow of authentication and authorization information for unauthenticated callers. Colors are used in the following ways:

  • Orange - credentials information
  • Blue - endpoint access information
  • Green - resource access information
  • Red - proxy user and session user information

Some values are used to determine multiple types of access. These values initially appear as black (when they do not apply to a single type of access), and then later appear in one or more specific colors (to reflect the value is being used at that point in the process for a specific type of access).

The anonymous user flow always involves at least two calls. For the first call, the user is unauthenticated. For the second, the user is anonymous.

The initial call as an unauthenticated user

In the following example, an API call is triggered by an unauthenticated caller who creates an account and later plans to bind a policy submission.

First authentication flow for unauthenticated callers
  1. The user triggers an API call by creating a new account. The caller application sends the API request to PolicyCenter. The call includes no JWT, and no authentication information in the header.
  2. Because the call has no authentication header, PolicyCenter grants endpoint access as defined in the Unauthenticated.role.yaml API role file. (This provides access to metadata endpoints only.)
  3. Because the call has no authentication header, PolicyCenter grants resource access as defined in the unauthenticatedUser.role.yaml API role file. (This provides no access to business resources.)
  4. To determine which proxy user to assign to the session, PolicyCenter calls the RestAuthenticationSourceCreator plugin. The call has no authentication header. So, the plugin returns the proxy user for unauthenticated users: uauser.
  5. PolicyCenter processes the request.
    1. The session user is the proxy unauthenticated user: uauser.
    2. The endpoint access is defined by Unauthenticated.role.yaml. (This API role provides sufficient endpoint access to create a new account and the required child objects, such as contacts and locations.)
    3. The resource access is defined by unauthenticatedUser access.yaml.
  6. PolicyCenter provides the response to the initial call. The response includes the account number for the newly created account (464778619) and a self-signed JWT generated by PolicyCenter. The JWT includes the client ID (cid), a scp token claim which names the resource access strategy (pc_accountNumbers) and additional deployment information, a groups token which names the user's groups (gwa.prod.pc.anonymous), and a pc_accountNumbers token which names the user's resource access IDs (464778619).

The second call as an anonymous user

To continue the example, a second API call is triggered by a previously unauthenticated caller who is now anonymous. This call creates and creates and binds a policy submission.

Second authentication flow for unauthenticated callers
  1. The user triggers an API call by attempting to create and bind a policy. The caller application sends the API request to PolicyCenter. The call includes the self-signed JWT.
  2. PolicyCenter determines the endpoint access. Based on the groups listed in the JWT (gwa.prod.pc.anonymous), the anonymous.role.yaml API role file is used to define the endpoint access.
  3. Next, PolicyCenter determines the resource access strategy. Based on the resource access strategy value in the JWT (pc_accountNumbers), it grants resource access as defined in the accountholder access.yaml files. (* PolicyCenter starts with accountholder_ext-1.0.access.yaml, but this file references additional access.yaml files whose name starts with "accountholder".)
  4. To determine which proxy user to assign to the session, PolicyCenter calls the RestAuthenticationSourceCreator plugin. The JWT specified a resource access strategy of pc_accountNumbers. So, the plugin returns the proxy user for external users: extuser.
  5. PolicyCenter processes the request.
    1. The session user is the proxy external user: extuser.
    2. The endpoint access is defined by anonymous.role.yaml. (This API role provides access to actions appropriate for anonymous users, such as quoting and binding submissions.)
    3. The resource access is defined by accountholder access.yaml.
  6. PolicyCenter provides the response to the initial call.

If the anonymous user's policy is bound, then the user becomes "known" to the insurer. At some point in the future, the user's information is sent to the IdP. Once this occurs, the user will be treated as an external user.