Attribute Element details

Field Description
Label Label that appears in the user interface.
Short Name (*PD)

Unique name that identifies the field in the generated product. This name must be unique in the product line.


The type of data, such as text, number, monetary amount, or date-time.

Involved party creates a contact field on the policy. Contact details include name, phone number, address, and other information. When viewing the Contacts for the policy, these contacts have the Involved Party role. The Involved Party marker in a mind map becomes an involved party contact.


Categorizes risk attributes into sections. Sections are used in the user interface to group risk attribute questions.

Is Identifier
The identifier helps to identify one risk object from another in a list of risk objects. The Risk Details screen in a policy transaction lists the risks on the policy. In the list of risk objects (Risk Name), the identifier appears after name of the risk object. For example, on Pet risk objects, the Pet Name text field is the identifier. In a policy with pets named Fido and Peony, Risk Name shows the two risks:
  • Pet: Fido
  • Pet: Peony

Identifier fields directly on a policy line do not appear in a policy transaction.

Split By Rating Periods This field can have split rating periods. Split rating periods create separate rating periods for dates selected by the user.
Scalable Whether to use basis-scalable rating. When selected, the basis is scaled automatically before and after the split date. You can also manually scale the basis by editing the field values. This field is enabled if you select Split By Rating Periods, and Type is Number, Decimal (14,2), or Monetary amount.
Required for Install

Description of the field.