Usage and availability notes in mind map

Specify whether a product attribute is derived, hidden, unavailable, or user entered by default. You can also specify conditional exceptions that change usage and availability for special circumstances.

During the conceptualization phase in XMind, you can identify usage and availability properties for attributes, and describe these properties in notes in the mind map. Usage properties can apply to any attribute. Availability properties apply to clauses and drop-down list items.

Note: In the mind map, usage and availability properties are informational only; they are dropped when you import the mind map into Advanced Product Designer App.

To easily identify these properties, you can add the words Usage and Availability at the top of the Note before adding your description.

Refer to the this note when you implement the usage or availability property in the visualized product.

The following mind map models a product line with a Buildings coverage. The availability of the Buildings coverage is governed by the Cover Type drop-down list attribute.

The availability for the Buildings coverage is described in the Note on Buildings:
Usage and Availability
This coverage is governed by the selection made on the property risk object called Cover Type. 

If Cover Type is Buildings, then Building Coverage is required. 
If Cover Type is Contents, then Building Coverage is unavailable. 
If Cover Type is Buildings & Contents, then Building Coverage is optional.

Extract usage and availability notes from mind map

You can extract the usage and availability notes from a mind map into HTML format. You can use these notes as a guide for adding usage and availability to the APD App product.


  1. In XMind, select File > Export.
  2. Select Document > HTML File, then click Next.
  3. In the Generate HTML File dialog, select Overview Picture and Separate Overview Pictures.
  4. Under All, select Notes. Enter a file name in To file, and click Finish.
    XMind generates the HTML file, and displays it in the default browser.