Creating an account as an unauthenticated user

Unauthenticated users have the ability to create accounts by POSTing to the /accounts endpoint.

  • Unauthenticated users can also create contacts and locations for the account using POST /accounts/*/contacts and POST /accounts/*/locations. However, this must be done in a single POST /accounts call that uses request inclusion for any contacts and locations. You cannot call the POST /accounts/*/contacts or POST /accounts/*/locations endpoints on their own.
  • For a complete list of the endpoint access available to unauthenticated users, refer to the Unauthenticated.role.yaml file in the Integration > roles directory.
  • For more information on how to create accounts using the /accounts endpoint, see the Cloud API Consumer Guide.

In response to this POST, PolicyCenter sends a response object. The body of the response contains information about the new account, such as the account's account number. The response header contains a GW-Access-Token attribute whose value is a self-signed JWT. The caller application must save this JWT so that it can be included in any subsequent call that the caller wants to make for the account that was just created.

For example, suppose there is an unauthenticated user who wants to create an account. The following information is true about this user:

  • Name: Bill Presley
  • Primary Address: 1234 Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, CA, 12345
  • Producer: Armstrong and Company (whose public ID is "pc:6")

The caller application can create an account for this user by executing a POST /accounts with the following request payload:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "accountHolder": {
        "refid": "newperson"
      "organizationType": {
        "code": "individual"
      "preferredCoverageCurrency": {
        "code": "USD"
      "preferredSettlementCurrency": {
        "code": "USD"
      "primaryLocation": {
        "refid": "newloc"
      "producerCodes": [
          "id": "pc:6"
  "included": {
    "AccountContact": [
        "attributes": {
          "contactSubtype": "Person",
          "firstName": "Bill",
          "lastName": "Presley",
          "primaryAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "1234 Hillsdale Blvd",
            "city": "Foster City",
            "postalCode": "12345",
            "state": {
              "code": "CA"
        "method": "post",
        "refid": "newperson",
        "uri": "/account/v1/accounts/this/contacts"
    "AccountLocation": [
        "attributes": {
          "locationCode": "0001",
          "locationName": "Location 0001",
          "nonSpecific": true,
          "postalCode": "12345",
          "state": {
            "code": "CA"
        "method": "post",
        "refid": "newloc",
        "uri": "/account/v1/accounts/this/locations"

PolicyCenter creates an account, which in this case is assigned an account number of 2558363138. PolicyCenter also sends a response object. In the response header, the GW-Access-Token attribute is set to the following:


The decoded payload for this JWT is:

  "exp": 1595566369,
  "groups": [
  "iat": 1595555569,
  "iss": "PC",
  "jti": "rB0ECaWh9Xuce93w2bADNuW9K3vFhPlnKAimTw5WE5cnyoU3AAAABA..",
  "pc_accountNumbers": [
  "sub": "auth",
  "tenant_id": "NoTenant",
  "type": "accountHolder"

Note the following:

  • The groups token claim includes pc.anonymous. On subsequent calls, the bearer of this token will be granted the API role named "anonymous".
  • The pc_accountNumbers token claim lists 2558363138. On subsequent calls, the bearer of this token will be able to view and create data related to account 2558363138 and any of its related information.