Configuration troubleshooting

If you have an issue with your Cloud API configuration, your primary source of information for troubleshooting is the log files.

Reviewing log file information

Be aware of the following when you’re looking at log files:

  • There may be multiple logs, so be sure to look through all that might apply.

  • Some messages are written to the logs only when the REST.Config and REST.Request loggers are set to DEBUG. When troubleshooting auth issues, Guidewire recommends setting these loggers to DEBUG.

Tips for reviewing log files

  • If the most recent error in the log doesn’t seem to highlight the problem or help you determine a solution, look back at earlier errors. Sometimes processes continue to run after an initial error has been logged. That error could spawn additional errors, but it’s that first one that will give you the clues you need to determine what really went wrong.
  • If you’re troubleshooting authentication issues, see Troubleshooting auth issues.

Common issues found in the log files

The following issues arise frequently and are reported in the log files.

JSON formatting issues

Cloud API relies on the JSON file format for endpoint requests and responses, and for many configuration files. If you have an endpoint that isn’t behaving properly, or you’ve made changes to a configuration file (such as the schema, mapper, or updater files) and you’re receiving errors, make sure the JSON is correctly formatted. A missing comma or extra curly brace causes anything relying on the JSON file to fail.

In addition to the information from the log files, various IDEs (such as IntelliJ) will flag errors in JSON files. You can also copy and paste your JSON into an online validator (such as to validate your JSON formatting.

Configuration file expressions don’t compile

In addition to ensuring you’re using valid JSON, you also need to make sure you’re using the proper syntax for your schema, updater, and mapper files. See Syntax for schema configuration files for information on configuration file syntax.