LOB-specific endpoints

Every product in PolicyCenter consists of one or more lines of business (LOBs). From a technical standpoint, every line of business is implemented through a set of LOB-specific artifacts. This can include the following:

  • Database tables that store LOB-specific information
  • LOB-specific PCFs
  • LOB-specific reference tables, such as tables that store class codes

When a line of business is exposed to Cloud API, there is an additional set of LOB-specific artifacts: the LOB-specific endpoints. An LOB-specific endpoint is an endpoint that can create, read, update, or delete information for a specific line of business. For every line of business, there are a set of endpoints to work with Line resources and with other LOB-specific resources, such as coverables and locations.

Every insurer develops lines of business for their specific needs. This can involve modifying base configuration lines of business, installing Standards-Based Templates (SBTs), or creating new lines of business. Because of this, the base configuration does not include any LOB-specific endpoints. Insurers must generate the endpoints for themselves after the structure of the line of business has been sufficiently developed. PolicyCenter provides functionality that lets you generate endpoints for each line of business.


Line of business configuration can vary depending on the LOB. For further assistance, contact Guidewire Support.