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Date input


Check out the Usage section for details about how and when to use the DateInput component.

Basic DateInput variants

You can use the variant prop to create an input component with different fields:


This is a simple date input
This is a month and year input
This is a year input

import React from 'react';
import { DateInput } from '@jutro/components/new';

export const BasicDateInput = () => {
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '2rem', flexWrap: 'wrap'}}>
<DateInput label="This is a simple date input" />
<DateInput label="This is a month and year input" variant='month' />
<DateInput label="This is a year input" variant='year' />

Error example

You can use the stateMessages property to display an error on the DateInput component.


This is a date input

import React from 'react';
import { DateInput } from '@jutro/components/new';

export const ErrorDateInput = () => {

return (
label="This is a date input"
stateMessages= {{
error: ['This is an error message'],

Min/Max example

You can set a minimum and maximum date for the DateInput component with the minDate and maxDate props. Alternatively, you can set independent values, for months and years using the minMonth, minYear, maxMonth, and maxYear. The following example checks when it loses focus if the year value is between 2000 and 2024 and in case it is not between these values, shows an error.


Enter a date between year 2000 and year 2024

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { DateInput } from '@jutro/components/new';

export const MinMaxDateInput = () => {
const [stateMessages, setStateMessages] = useState({});

const handleChange = (event, value, errorObject) => {
const errorCode = errorObject?.errorCode;

if (errorCode === 'INVALID_DATE') {
error: ['Please enter a valid date.'],

if (errorCode === 'MIN_EXCEEDED' || errorCode === 'MAX_EXCEEDED') {
error: [`The year must be between 2000 and 2024.`],
} else {

return (
label="Enter a date between year 2000 and year 2024"
minDate={{ day: 1, month: 1, year: 2000 }}
maxDate={{ day: 31, month: 12, year: 2024 }}

Date input display options

When using the readOnly or displayOnly props, you can use the displayFormat prop to modify the format of the dates.




import React from 'react';
import { DateInput } from '@jutro/components/new';

export const DisplayOptionsDateInput = () => {
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '1.5rem', flexWrap: 'wrap'}}>
<DateInput label="Vshort" readOnly displayFormat="vshort" initialValue={{ day: 20, month: 6, year: 2024 }} />
<DateInput label="Short" readOnly displayFormat="short" initialValue={{ day: 20, month: 6, year: 2024 }} />
<DateInput label="Long" readOnly displayFormat="long" initialValue={{ day: 20, month: 6, year: 2024 }} />
</div><br />
<div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '1.5rem', flexWrap: 'wrap', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
<DateInput label="Abbreviated" readOnly displayFormat="abbreviated" initialValue={{ day: 20, month: 6, year: 2024 }} />
<DateInput label="Full" readOnly displayFormat="full" initialValue={{ day: 20, month: 6, year: 2024 }} />
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Published: March 19, 2025 at 2:21 AM

© 2025 Guidewire Software, Inc.