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Date range


Check out the Usage section for details about how to design a DateRangePicker properly, and the different configuration options we provide.

Basic Example

You can add an input that allows a user to enter a date range either manually or through calendar modals.

label={{ start: "Choose start date", end: "Choose end date" }}
onChange={(event, value) => console.log('The dates chosen are', value.start, value.end)}

Min/Max example

You can limit the range of dates a user can select.


This does not include validation, it only limits the options in the calendar modal. A user can type any date into the input.

label={{ start: "Choose start date", end: "Choose end date" }}
minDate={{ day: 1, month: 1, year: 2024 }}
maxDate={{ day: 31, month: 12, year: 2024 }}

Validation Example

You can use the onChange property to call a function that updates stateMessages to display errors to the user. The following example displays errors for invalid dates or dates that are not in 2024.


As mentioned in the previous example, a user can type any date into the input regardless of the minDate and maxDate properties.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { DateRangePicker } from '@jutro/components/new';

export function DateRangePickerError() {
const [stateMessages, setStateMessages] = useState({});

const parseErrorCode = (sideErrorObject) => {
let errorCode = sideErrorObject.errorCode
if (errorCode === 'INVALID_DATE') {
return {error: ["Please enter a valid date."]}

if (errorCode === 'MIN_EXCEEDED' || errorCode === 'MAX_EXCEEDED') {
return {error: ["Please enter a valid date."]}

const handleChange = (event, value, errorObject) => {
let parsedMessages: {start?:{error: string[]}, end?:{error: string[]}} = {}
// check start
let start_error = errorObject?.start
if (start_error){
parsedMessages.start = parseErrorCode(start_error)

// check end
let end_error = errorObject?.end
if (end_error){
parsedMessages.end = parseErrorCode(end_error)


return (
label={{ start: "Choose start date", end: "Choose end date" }}
minDate={{ day: 1, month: 1, year: 2024 }}
maxDate={{ day: 31, month: 12, year: 2024 }}
