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Phase progress bar


Check out the Usage section for details about how to design a Phase progress bar properly, and the different configuration options we provide.

Basic Example

Displays progress as a series of phases which in turn have a series of sub steps to complete.

icon: 'gw-business-center',
id: 'your-business',
steps: [
title: 'Completed phase first step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed phase second step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed Phase'
icon: 'gw-insert-drive-file',
id: 'final-details',
isError: false,
steps: [
active: true,
title: 'Active step',
visited: true
title: 'Next step'
title: 'Current phase'
icon: 'gw-credit-card',
id: 'payment',
steps: [
title: 'Next phase step 1'
title: 'Next phase step 2'
title: 'Next phase step 3'
title: 'Next phase'

Interactive Example

This example shows how the phase progress bar changes as a user progresses through the steps in each of its phases.

const [currentStage, setCurrentStage] = useState(0);
const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(0);
const initialPhases = [
title: 'First Phase',
icon: 'gw-business-center',
id: 'your-business',
steps: [
title: 'First step',
visited: true,
title: 'Second step',
visited: false
title: 'Third step',
visited: false
title: 'Second phase',
icon: 'gw-insert-drive-file',
id: 'final-details',
isError: false,
steps: [
title: 'First step',
visited: false,

const [phases, setPhases] = useState(initialPhases);
const [disableButton, setDisabledButton] = useState(false);
const [disableBackButton, setDisabledBackButton] = useState(true);
const [labelState, setLabelState] = useState("info")

const moveToNext = () => {

let nextPhases = phases;
let stage = currentStage;
let step = currentStep;

nextPhases[stage].steps[step].visited = true;
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].active = false;

if (stage == 0) {
(step < 2) ? setCurrentStep(++step) : (stage = 1, step=0, setCurrentStage(stage), setCurrentStep(step));
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].active = true;
} else {


const moveBack = () => {

let nextPhases = phases;
let stage = currentStage;
let step = currentStep;

nextPhases[stage].steps[step].visited = false;
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].active = false;

if (stage == 1) {
stage = 0
step = 2
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].active = true
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].visited = false;
else {
(step > 0) ? setCurrentStep(--step) : (stage = 1, step=0, setCurrentStage(stage), setCurrentStep(step));
nextPhases[stage].steps[step].active = true;
if (step == 0){


<InfoLabel type={labelState}>Phase: {phases[currentStage].title}</InfoLabel>
<InfoLabel type={labelState}>Step: {phases[currentStage].steps[currentStep].title}</InfoLabel>
<Button label="previous" onClick={moveBack} disabled={disableBackButton}></Button>
<Button label="next" onClick={moveToNext} disabled={disableButton}></Button>

Error Example

You can highlight when there is an error within a phase.

icon: 'gw-business-center',
id: 'your-business',
steps: [
title: 'Completed phase first step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed phase second step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed Phase'
icon: 'gw-insert-drive-file',
id: 'final-details',
isError: true,
steps: [
active: true,
title: 'Active step',
visited: true
title: 'Next step'
title: 'Current phase'

OnClick Example

You can add a function that runs when the phase title is clicked.

function MakeToast (text: string) {
message: text,
autoClose: 3000,

<ToastProvider />
icon: 'gw-business-center',
id: 'your-business',
steps: [
title: 'Completed phase first step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed phase second step',
visited: true
title: 'Completed Phase',
onClick: () => {MakeToast("Completed clicked")}
icon: 'gw-insert-drive-file',
id: 'final-details',
steps: [
active: true,
title: 'Active step',
visited: true
title: 'Next step'
title: 'Current phase',
onClick: () => {MakeToast("Current clicked")}