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Escaping characters

There are some characters that developers are well accustomed to having to escape. They vary by programming environment, but often include any one of these characters: " ' , { } * < \ / etc.

Escaping in metadata

Other than escaping enclosing quote characters (with \), there's not much to do.

id: 'button',
type: 'action',
component: 'Button',
content: {
id: 'myapp.mycomponent.someID',
defaultMessage: ' \' < $ 😀 \ " { }', // All safe

Escaping in JS

This is more problematic.

As of Jutro v5.0, characters are escaped by wrapping with apostrophes. Examples:

defaultMessage = " 1 '<' 3" // 1 < 3

defaultMessage = " Escaping an argument '{foo}'" // {foo}

defaultMessage = "'{'" // {