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The Jutro logger provides methods for logging to the browser console with all the typical log levels. The logging mechanism uses loglevel and loglevel-plugin-prefix libraries underneath.

Basic use

  1. Set the logging level for lower environments in .env

  2. Set the logging level for the production environment in .env.production

  3. Use the logger in your code:

    import { debug } from '@jutro/logger';

    . . .

    debug('So, you have reached my debug logger. Well done!');

Logging levels

The logger comes with the following levels:

  • TRACE (adds a stack trace to the message)
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • SILENT (disables all logging)

You can set levels using strings as above (case-insensitive), or as a numeric index from 0 (Trace) to 5 (Silent)

For more information about logging levels, see loglevel on

All levels except silent have a corresponding function which you can import from @jutro/logger and call in your code.

import { trace, debug, info, warning, error } from '@jutro/logger';

. . .

trace('Tracing now!');
info('Stay informed with Jutro logging!');
warning("Look, I'm warning you");
error('I am error');

Alternatively, you can import log and call its methods:

import {log} from '@jutro/logger';


log.trace('trace message');
log.debug('debug message');'info message');
log.warning('warn message');
log.error('error message');
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Published: March 18, 2025 at 1:39 PM

© 2025 Guidewire Software, Inc.