Configuring the schema file for generated endpoints

Within the context of Cloud API, a schema file defines the structure of one or more resources. This information is used for GETs, POSTs, and PATCHes.

The schema file

The following sections provide an overview of configuring schema files for generated endpoints. For a complete description of how to configure schema files, see Endpoint architecture.

Overview of schema file syntax

A schema file contains a definitions section that lists one or more schemas. Each schema is used to structure an API resource. For each schema, the following attributes are specified:

  • A title and description, which is used for API definition documentation.
  • The resource type, which is typically set to object.
  • A list of properties. Each property includes:
    • A title and description, which is used for API definition documentation.
    • A type, which defines the JSON datatype of the property (for scalar values).
    • A ref, which defines the URI reference for the property (for compound values such as typekeys).
    • Optional attributes as needed for the business functionality of the property.

For example, the following is a portion of the schema for the base configuration Activity resource:

"Activity": {
  "title": "Activity",
  "description": "An `Activity` is an assignable item that represents a task to be done, a decision to be made, or information to be aware of",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "activityPattern": {
      "title": "Activity pattern",
      "description": "The code of the `ActivityPattern` used to create this activity and set its initial values",
      "type": "string"

Modifications made to the schema file

The base configuration includes a set of API-specific extension schema files. The purpose of these files is to define schema information for custom resources for a given API. These files are named using the pattern <API>_ext-1.0.schema.json, where <API> is the internal name of the API. For example, the common_ext-1.0.schema.json file is used to define schema information for custom resources in the Common API. You can access extension schema files in Studio through the integration -> schemas -> ext -> <API>.v1 node.

(There is an exception to the previous statement. When you add endpoints to the Job API, schema modifications are not made to a job_ext-1.0.schema.json file, but rather to the policyperiod_ext-1.0.schema.json file.)

When you generate endpoints for a custom entity, the REST endpoint generator adds the following code to the relevant extension schema file:

    "<resourceName>": {
      "title": "<custom entity name>",
      "description": "<custom entity name>",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        // TODO RestEndpointGenerator : Add schema properties here
        "id": {
          "title": "ID",
          "description": "The unique identifier of this element",
          "type": "string",
          "readOnly": true

For example, if you generate endpoints for a CustomEntity_Ext entity, the following is added to the extension schema file:

    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "title": "Custom entity ext",
      "description": "Custom entity ext",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        // TODO RestEndpointGenerator : Add schema properties here
        "id": {
          "title": "ID",
          "description": "The unique identifier of this element",
          "type": "string",
          "readOnly": true

Note that the REST endpoint generator provides properties information for only one property: id. The developer is responsible for:

  • Deciding which fields from the custom entity must be available to the endpoints.
  • Adding mapper information for those fields.

For example, suppose the CustomEntity_Ext entity included three fields:

  • CustomDescription (a string)
  • IsActive (a boolean)
  • ExpirationDate (a datetime)

The developer decides CustomDescription and IsActive must be available to GETs, POSTs, or PATCHes. The developer would need to add the code shown below in bold.

    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "title": "Custom entity ext",
      "description": "Custom entity ext",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        // TODO RestEndpointGenerator : Add schema properties here
        "id": {
          "title": "ID",
          "description": "The unique identifier of this element",
          "type": "string",
          "readOnly": true
        "customDescription": {
          "title": "CustomDescription",
          "description": "The description for the CustomEntity",
          "type": "string"
        "id": {
          "title": "isActive",
          "description": "Whether the CustomEntity is active",
          "type": "boolean"

The developer also decides ExpirationDate must not be available to GETs and POST/PATCH responses. Therefore, this field is omitted from the schema.

Syntax for property types

The datatype of each property is specified using either a type attribute or a $ref attribute.


If a data model entity field is a scalar, set the type attribute to one of the JSON schema types from the following table.

Data model datatype Corresponding JSON type Additional required properties
bit boolean
dateonly string An additional "format" property set to "date"
datetime string An additional "format" property set to "date-time"
decimal number
integer integer
longint integer
longtext string
mediumtext string
money number
percentage number
shorttext string
text string
varchar string

For example, the CustomEntityExt resource could have the following scalar properties:

  "definitions": {
    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "title": "Custom entity ext",
      "description": "Custom entity ext",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "type": "string"
        "isActive": {
          "type": "boolean"
        "customDescription": {
          "type": "string"
        "expirationDate": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time"

Compound datatypes

InsuranceSuite includes several datatypes where multiple values are stored as a unit. This includes the following:

  • Typekey (a code and a name)
  • MonetaryAmount and CurrencyAmount (a currency and an amount)
  • SpatialPoint (a longitude coordinate and a latitude coordinate)

For example, the assignmentStatus property's datatype is a typekey. Thus, the response payload for an activity's assignment status has two sub-fields:

    "assignmentStatus": {
      "code": "pendingassignment",
      "name": "Pending Assignment"

When you define a schema property for a compound datatype, do not include a type property. In its place, specify a $ref attribute that specifies an existing definition for the datatype. The following table lists the $ref values for the common compound datatypes.

Compound datatype $ref value Additional required properties
Typekey #/definitions/TypeKeyReference A x-gw-extensions attribute with a typelists child attribute that identifies the relevant typelist.
MonetaryAmount #/definitions/MonetaryAmount
CurrencyAmount #/definitions/CurrencyAmount
SpatialPoint #/definitions/SpatialPoint

For example, the mapping for the Activity data model entity's AssignmentStatus field looks like this:

"assignmentStatus": {
  "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeKeyReference",
  "x-gw-extensions": {
    "typelist": "AssignmentStatus"

The mapping for the Contact data model entity's SpatialPoint field (which is a spatial point) looks like this:

"spatialPoint": {
  "$ref": "#/definitions/SpatialPoint"

Additional properties

In a schema file, you must specify the datatype of each property using either a type attribute or a $ref attribute. You can also add optional attributes. Some attributes are direct children of the property. Others must be declared inside an x-gw-extensions object.

Some attributes have default values. The defaults are listed in the following tables.

Additional properties that are direct children of the property

Attribute Description Example
readOnly Boolean identifying if the field as read-only. (The default is false.) "readOnly": true
x-gw-nullable Boolean identifying if the field can be explicitly set to null. (The default is false.) See the following "Marking a field as required" section for more information.
"x-gw-nullable": true
x-gw-sinceVersion String identifying the first version of the API to include the property
"x-gw-sinceVersion": "1.​1.​0"
For example, suppose the CustomEntity_Ext entity has an ExpirationDate field. The corresponding resource property is read-only, nullable, and was added in version 1.1.0. The property declaration would be:
  "definitions": {
    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "properties": {
        "expirationDate": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "readOnly": true,
          "x-gw-nullable": true,
          "x-gw-sinceVersion": "1.1.0"

Additional properties declared in the x-gw-extension object

Attribute Description Example
createOnly Boolean identifying if the field can be specified only when the object is created. (The default is false.) "createOnly": true
filterable Boolean identifying if the filter query parameter can be used on this field. In other words, collections can be filtered using this property. (The default is false.) "filterable": true
requiredForCreate Boolean identifying if the field must be specified when the object is created. (The default is false.) See the following "Marking a field as required" section for more information. "requiredForCreate": true
sortable Boolean identifying if the sort query parameter can be used on this field. In other words, collections can be sorted using this property. (The default is false.) "sortable": true

For example, suppose the CustomEntity_Ext entity has an SeverityType field, which is a typekey set to a value in the SeverityType typelist. The corresponding resource property must be specified at create time, cannot be modified after creation, and is both filterable and sortable. The property declaration would be:

  "definitions": {
    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "properties": {
        "severityType": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeKeyReference",
          "x-gw-extensions": {
            "typelist": "SeverityType",
            "createOnly": true,
            "requiredForCreate": true,
            "filterable": true,
            "sortable": true

Marking a field as required by the database

In the data model, some entity fields are required. You cannot create an instance of the entity without specifying a value for the field. For example, suppose that an insurer has a business rule stating every activity must have a completion date. To enforce this, the Activity entity's EndDate field is required.

In a schema, you can mark a resource field as required. To do this, you must set the following properties:

  • "requiredForCreate": true
    • This x-gw-extensions attribute indicates the field must be included in POST payloads.
  • "x-gw-nullable": false
    • This attribute indicates that when the field is specified, its value cannot be set to null

The "requiredForCreate": true expression, by itself, only mandates that the field must be specified in a POST. There is nothing to prevent a caller from including the field but setting the field's value to null.

The "x-gw-nullable": false expression, by itself, only mandates that if the field is specified, the field's value cannot be set to null.

By combining the two expressions, you are stating that the field must be specified in a POST and set to a non-null value, and anytime thereafter that the field is specified, it must be set to a non-null value. This is the equivalence of setting a data entity field to required.

For example, suppose the CustomEntity_Ext entity has an CustomDescription field, which is a string. The field is required. The property declaration would be:
  "definitions": {
    "CustomEntityExt": {
      "properties": {
        "customDescription": {
          "type": "string",
          "x-gw-nullable": false,
          "x-gw-extensions": {
            "requiredForCreate": true