Extending updaters

When extending a resource that will support POST or PATCH operations, you must also configure a matching updater extension in an updater extension file. This is necessary in order to make the extended properties writeable to PolicyCenter.

Updater extension files

In Studio, updater extension files are located in Integration > updaters > ext > <API name> directories, with the file naming pattern of <API name>_ext-<VERSION>.updater.json.

For example, the updater extension file for the Common API is located at Integration > updaters > ext > common.v1 > common_ext-1.0.updater.json. That file has the following content:

  "schemaName": "ext.common.v1.common_ext-1.0",
  "combine": [
  "updaters": { }
  • schemaName: References the base name of the extension file
  • combine: References an array of schema files that are being extended. These files are referenced as fully qualified names that are relative paths within the updaters directory.
  • updaters: Contains the updater extensions