"Try out" the API V5

The interactive API includes an option to "try out" the API. The Try it out option executes the API requests against the environment that you access. To perform test operations, use the Try it out option on the development or quality assurance environments.

Before you begin

  • Only users with the REST API Documentation View authority and the Administrator role can view the interactive API.
  • Determine which authentication method to use in order to test the user authorization. See API Authentication.

About this task

To "try out" an API request, you enter authentication information, enter request parameters, execute the request, and then view the response.


  1. Select Admin > System Tools > REST API Documentation.
  2. On the REST API Documentation page, select core_v5 in the Select API and version field. Then, click Open.
  3. Above the APIs, click Authorize to provide authorization to submit requests.
    Note: As an alternative, you can select the icon that looks like a padlock which appears for each endpoint:
  4. For JWT authentication, perform the following steps in the JWT (apikey) section:
    Specifying a JWT.
    1. In the Value field, enter Bearer followed by the JWT. For example, Bearer ey30...cQ6w.
    2. Click Authorize.
  5. For Basic authentication, perform the following steps in Basic authorization section of the Available authorizations dialog.
    1. Enter the Username and Password that you want to use to authenticate with InsuranceNow.
    2. Click Authorize.
  6. For OAuth2, perform the following steps in the oauth2(OAuth, accessCode) section of the Available authorizations dialog.
    1. Retain the default setting for client_id.
    2. Leave the client_secret empty.
    3. Click Authorize.
    Note: Ignore the information about scopes as it does not apply when accessing the API. The details provided about the Authorization URL, Token URL, and Flow are used by the interactive API and are listed for informational purposes only.
  7. Click Close to close the Available authorizations dialog.
  8. Click the endpoint that you want to try.
  9. In the Parameters section, click the Try it out button.

  10. In the Parameters section, any required parameters and then click Execute.


The API response displays in the Responses section.
Example API response.
Server response codes 200 and 201 indicate a successful API call.

What to do next

If you want to try an API using a different authentication method, open the Available Authorizations dialog again and select Logout. Then, you can enter details for a different authentication method.